Radio ( Britain )
从 rlsinclair, 2010年8月9日
讯息: 11
语言: English
NiteMirror (显示个人资料) 2010年8月24日下午12:54:00
darkweasel:That question has come up. A fair amount of the group answered they didn't want to think along those lines, others said they hoped he had something in his will about the language; either naming a successor, or setting up a governing body (specifically mentioning Esperanto's Congress during that discussion as an example) with the Klingon Language Institute, KLI, being the most likely to become that governing body).
What will Klingon do if Okrand dies?
However, the elephant in the room that no one likes to talk about is that the movie studio Paramount Pictures hired Okrand to create the language initially. We're not even sure what legal actions Paramount would take if Okrand did publicly give instructions about what he'd like to happen with the language.
I'll admit there's a good chance between the legal entanglements, and uncertainty about what happens *when* Okrand dies (may he live a long life, but like everyone he will die eventually) tlhIngan Hol may suffer a slow death as a conlang.
Now really getting back on topic for this forum, I hear there's a language called Esperanto that is pretty neat too. (I'm starting to feel I got this thread off track of what lernu is all about).