Esperanto learning motivations
de Psittakos, 2010-aŭgusto-21
Mesaĝoj: 70
Lingvo: English
Psittakos (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 10:27:16
I just want to know about motivations because you, English speakers, learn Esperanto. After all, you already speaks the real international language.
Also, please, I want to know if you really believe, and why, that Esperanto may work, and it is easier, more neutral and more internationalizable than your mother tongue.
Evildela (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 10:35:47
horsto (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 11:24:35
Evildela:I'm learning Esperanto because its the only logical next step in human evolution, the language is so simple. It seems stupid to me, that we as humans continue to use our complicated native languages.I agree, the easiness of Esperanto is a great advantage.
Psittakos:Perhaps you remark another disadvantage of the "real international language": You have to apologize, because you are not a native speaker. In Esperanto there are (almost) no native speakers, everyone has the same chance to easily learn it as a second language.
Hi! English isn't my mother tongue, so I apologize for any mistake I may commit.
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 11:36:27
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 11:38:33
Psittakos:I'm not a English native speaker and I feel bonded to that non-ideological Raŭmismo. Following the raŭmismo idea e-o community members should not concentrate on the propagation of the language but rather on its cultivation. Several times I did encounter the situation that raŭmismostila komencantoj like me get advised or snubed or attackted at several levels by e-o experienced finvenkistoj if these komencantoj touchs/plays around with the holy e-o language to build up or hold some motivation learning E-o. (No, that doesn't relate in detail to the finished Slu topic).
Also, please, I want to know if you really believe, and why, that Esperanto may work, and it is easier, more neutral and more internationalizable than your mother tongue.
I'm most faszinated of E-o by that "one letter = one sound" pronouncation ideo and not that neutral, international etc. Furthermore its interesting to find e-o words during speaking to other European based languages native speakers. I.e. From a conversation between Italians I grabbed the word "cielo". It's ĉielo in E-o. I never learned Italian before.
Yesterday I tripped over that El Chojin - Mi Turno - El Jardín de la Alegría video and I thought: Hhm, it's not e-o, and the lyrics show that, but... E-o was the reason that Spanish gets into my focus. That's fascinating for me.

Belmiro (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 12:42:42
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 13:19:30
Evildela:I'm learning Esperanto because its the only logical next step in human evolution, the language is so simple. It seems stupid to me, that we as humans continue to use our complicated native languages.Would not beneficial evolution warrant the use more complicated and stranger languages though, forcing the species to adapt to new linguistic structures and thus forcing the brain into action, promoting the growth of the brain?

Once humans hit that bionic stage though, the world of linguistics will become a little more... interesting... ::malvirtorido::
Horsto:Perhaps you remark another disadvantage of the "real international language": You have to apologize, because you are not a native speaker. In Esperanto there are (almost) no native speakers, everyone has the same chance to easily learn it as a second language.Apologies for lack of performance in the language still occur though, so instead it shifts from native speakers > second language speakers to advanced speakers > less advanced speakers

36lima (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 16:32:06
I also enjoy learning and intend to learn other languages in the future so, the possible advantages I'll get from learning Esperanto first are also attractive (I've learned Spanish off and on for years and look forward to possibly being fluent in it at some point in the future).
I like the ideals of Esperanto (preservation of language diversity, putting people on a linguistically equal footing through a second, more easily learned utility language) but, in reality, I'm not an idealist. I'm very practical and enjoy challenging myself and learning new things. If I could make money or find a useful business involving E-o I would be even more enamored of the language. However, for now, the utility and clarity I can see in Esperanto are more than enough for me to justify the time and effort I'm spending to learn it.
horsto (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 16:47:55
ceigered:Yes, you're right, I only used this sentence from Psittakos for my reply. And in fact I really have no problem to apologize for my bad language skills.
Horsto:Perhaps you remark another disadvantage of the "real international language": You have to apologize, because you are not a native speaker. In Esperanto there are (almost) no native speakers, everyone has the same chance to easily learn it as a second language.Apologies for lack of performance in the language still occur though, so instead it shifts from native speakers > second language speakers to advanced speakers > less advanced speakers
But come on, you know what I intended to say. In a world where communication becomes more and more important, we, the not natively english speaking people, have no chance to compete with natively english speaking people, if the international language is english.
That's why a lot of parents in Germany and certainly also in other countries start to teach english to their children as the first language.
That means for me that after a few generations there will be only one language on earth, the rest will be history.
Bad times for linguists like Psittakos.

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-21 16:50:14
horsto:Is that a new yuppie parent trend? It seems to be common to teach English still in Kindergarden/Child Care. But not as 1th language. For 2nd language purposes, yes. In my opinion.
That's why a lot of parents in Germany and certainly also in other countries start to teach english to their children as the first language.
horsto:No, French will survive, too. The most officals EC/EU documents are translated without any special requests to English and French. Viva la Grand Nation
That means for me that after a few generations there will be only one language on earth, the rest will be history.