How to create an common identity?
de qwertz, 2010-aŭgusto-29
Mesaĝoj: 22
Lingvo: English
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-13 23:38:21
qwertz:Haha sounds like fun. Hopefully they do release an instrumental version, although I personally love the original voice work.ceigered:Em ..., jes.qwertz:+1! Your karaoke subtitles Qwertz?ceigered:Ni bezonas.... junaj idealistoj...
Jes, vere.But there excist no instrumental version for that. (However, Vinilkosmo takes care of adding instrumental version to all albums they published or will publish.) So the person you can hear is the original singer(Patrik) of Dolchamar. Anyway I believe I have a similar pitch of the voice like Patrik. So if there is a possibilty someone probable will hear singing me some Dolchamar. It was also the last song sung during last karaokeo event in Zakopane. At 7:30 in the morning.
(not sung by me)
Anyway, a good song for karaoke - easy to get stuck in your head!

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-14 00:09:42
ceigered:I don't think so. But I still thought about using this live concert one(old formation). It's nearly an instrumental.
Haha sounds like fun. Hopefully they do release an instrumental version, although I personally love the original voice work.
Anyway, a good song for karaoke - easy to get stuck in your head!
Generaly it's a difficult matter to ask musicians to provide a instrumental version of their songs. But it gives other people the oportunity to find out how to sing this song and evaluate own ones. There are still to less e-o musicians. Furthermore the origianl sylables timestamps artwork remains. Even if someone can not hear it at the instrumental version. Like I noticed Flo (Vinilkosmo) makes the refrains aloud and let's the rest remain quiet. That's in my opinion a good agreement.
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-16 20:12:32
Sarkozy denounces EU commissioner's Roma remarks - Sarkozy enforces hungarian and rumanian romani EU citizens to leave France(?!) and go "back" - back where? They are not foreigners by EU law and are free in decision to stay where the want in EU area. They are "surlokantoj". Tssss....
Djelem, Djelem gypsy anthem (e-o subtitle) | E-o versiono
Homa Rajto 0:49 min: "La libereco moviĝi" (kaj resti)
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-16 20:54:14
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-24 16:00:09
What a picture at 1:28min. The EŬ flag is covered by the Chinese one.
Genjix (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-24 17:22:47
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-25 18:16:18

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-27 15:54:56
Last weekend the biggest newspaper in Bavaria/Germany printed a interview(German) with him. It contains some very interesting views regarding entertaining. They entiteled him a good entertainer. The "I'm Europe" lyrics are somewhat weired. How to entertain with E-o?
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-30 21:24:14
Translations Talks in Esperanto
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-decembro-17 22:50:49
15/12/2010: The European Parliament and Council reached an agreement on the Regulation on the citizens' initiative.
What form will a Citizens' Initiative take?
An initiative must be backed by at least one million citizens from at least one quarter of the Member States. In each of these Member States, the minimum number of signatures required will be calculated by multiplying the number of Members of the European Parliament from that country by a factor of 750. The minimum age for signatories will be the age at which people are entitled to vote in the European Parliament elections. Proposed initiatives must be registered on an online register made available by the Commission – registration can be refused if the initiative is manifestly against the fundamental values of the EU or manifestly outside the framework of the Commission's powers to propose the requested legal act. The statements of support can be collected on paper or on-line, and the organisers will have one year to collect the necessary signatures after the Commission has confirmed the registration of the proposal. In order to facilitate and secure online collection of statements of support, the Commission will develop technical standards and set up and maintain open source software, available free of charge.
How will the Commission deal with an initiative?
Once the signatures have been collected and verified by the Member States, the citizens' initiative has to be submitted to the Commission. From that moment, the Commission will have three months to examine the request made by the citizens. Meanwhile, the organisers will be received at the Commission and they will also have the opportunity to present their initiative at a public hearing organised at the European Parliament.
Cool. Any idea for a EU Citizens' Initiative?