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Creating books in Esperanto for the Kindle

de doglaso, 2010-septembro-05

Mesaĝoj: 49

Lingvo: English

doglaso (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-05 17:43:59

I am sure that many of you are aware that the Kindle 2 supports Esperanto. I downloaded a few Esperanto books from the Gutenburg project and they display very well on the Kindle. It got me thinking about creating Esperanto kindle books. I am happy to say that kindlegen also supports Esperanto characters. Kindlegen takes html and converts it to the kindle format. I have created kindle books of "La Eta Princo", "La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando" and a couple Sherlock Holmes stories so far. It works great!


Genjix (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-05 18:20:10

Se vi uzus dosierotipojn kiu enhavas fontojn, vi rigardus esperantajn librojn per legilo ajn

Ekzemple PDF.

If you would use filetypes which have fonts inside, then you will be able to view esperanto books with any reader.


(please correct me)

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-05 18:38:53

fonto = a font/fountain/source
tiparo = a font, typeface

horsto (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-05 22:31:59

doglaso: Kindlegen takes html and converts it to the kindle format. I have created kindle books of "La Eta Princo", "La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando" and a couple Sherlock Holmes stories so far. It works great!
Thank you, Doglaso, for the information. I'm really interested in using the new kindle. I already thought that it should work for esperanto books, but it's good to have somebody confirming that.
Unfortunately it's not yet possible to buy the kindle in Germany, I don't know why.

sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-05 22:46:25

Very interesting Douglas. There must be so many Esperanto books that are now out of print and which publishers perhaps would not re-print.

However, scanning (OCR?) these books and making them available on the net might not be too expensive. They then, I suppose, could be downloaded to a reader.

Whilst I am a fan of physical books, I could see a day when I might invest in a reader like the Kindle in order to read such titles in bed.

Once readers are commonplace, I imagine they would be able to display all accented characters, so that people could read in variety of languages.

RiotNrrd (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-06 00:10:42

I have over 200 Esperanto books in pdf format on my iPad; all of them are very easy to find on the internet. I imagine the Kindle can display them just as well.

sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-06 09:11:41

That sounds wonderful Riot. I hope they are titles worth reading.

And I wish I understood what an I-pad was. I see on television people doing mysterious and marvellous things on their, Blackberry's and I-phones and tablets and PDA's, but have only the vaguest idea of the functions of these devices.

Is the 'Nekonato Konato' available through the net. I'd like to recommend it to others.

I am reading it at the moment (in book form, 1970's photoreprint of the 1932 original) and am mightily impressed by the glata linvaĵo - especially so as it was written at a time that predates the Plena Vortaro and Plena Gramatiko.

At times, it feels like a translation from English in so much as there seems to be an exact correspondence with what we might say in English and at other times I read, in the most natural Esperanto, something which I am completely flummoxed to recast in English.

doglaso (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-06 14:59:42

RiotNrrd:I have over 200 Esperanto books in pdf format on my iPad; all of them are very easy to find on the internet. I imagine the Kindle can display them just as well.
I agree with you Riot. I wouldn't want to try converting an entire PDF book to html and then to the kindle format. The kindle's support for PDFs has improved recently, so reading PDFs on the Kindle is not a problem.

The reason that I have been using kindlegen is to convert stories that are on a website. It works great for this. I also wanted to share that kindlegen supported Esperanto characters in case someone else could benefit from it like I have. ridulo.gif

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-06 15:40:14

Unfortunately it's not yet possible to buy the kindle in Germany, I don't know why.
How I understand, mainly the Kindle can just be ordered online via Amazon webpage. So delivery also possible for German customers. There seems to be only excist one reseller offline (Target US) shop for the Amazon kindle.

wikipedia |

Seems to be that Medion (Aldi) also will sell something Amazon Kindle like (e-ink).

philodice (Montri la profilon) 2010-septembro-06 18:08:25

Mobipocket still doesn't have the slightest Esperanto Support. Even if I take a pdf and convert it, Mobipocket messes it up by replacing special characters with empty boxes.

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