
Eventeo: Esperanto Online Newspaper

de Uvi, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Aportes: 11

Idioma: English

Uvi (Mostrar perfil) 20 de septiembre de 2010 13:52:29

Hello people,

I just wanted to share the following website, which is an online newspaper in Esperanto.

The articles are concise and, therefore, ideal for those of you who want something fresh and short to read every day in Esperanto.

I believe the paper is also open to voluntary journalists.

Good stuff to put on your RSS feed. okulumo.gif


LyzTyphone (Mostrar perfil) 21 de septiembre de 2010 11:49:17

They revives only recently with the article about mosque not right at Ground Zero~! A very good news in itself to me!

Polaris (Mostrar perfil) 21 de septiembre de 2010 13:29:15

Uvi:Hello people,

I just wanted to share the following website, which is an online newspaper in Esperanto.

The articles are concise and, therefore, ideal for those of you who want something fresh and short to read every day in Esperanto.

I believe the paper is also open to voluntary journalists.

Good stuff to put on your RSS feed. okulumo.gif

You simply cannot find a better source of concise information about what's going on in the world than Eventeo. They are bar-none the best. I learn more from Eventeo than I do from any of the Internet news sources (Fox, CNN, etc.) about things like laws passed in other countries, when other countries have elections, ALL KINDS of things...and what's even better is that there is a place for Esperantists to leave comments and kick things around. I highly recommend it.

erinja (Mostrar perfil) 21 de septiembre de 2010 14:38:00

This is a tad off-topic, Polaris, but for good English-language international news, I wouldn't go to American news sources, which usually have only limited coverage of international news. I like the BBC news online for good coverage of worldwide news.

Reading the British press, I am usually aware of developing international news stories weeks and sometimes even months before they are ever reported in the US press - particularly with regard to Africa, whose coverage in the US press is usually sparse to say the least.

Polaris (Mostrar perfil) 21 de septiembre de 2010 21:22:26

erinja:This is a tad off-topic, Polaris, but for good English-language international news, I wouldn't go to an American news sources, which usually have only limited coverage of international news. I like the BBC news online for good coverage of worldwide news.

Reading the British press, I am usually aware of developing international news stories weeks and sometimes even months before they are ever reported in the US press - particularly with regard to Africa, whose coverage in the US press is usually sparse to say the least.
Hi, Erin--Thank you so much for that information. I will check out BBC news online. I often like to get information on various Spanish-speaking countries to share with my classes, and it's often a source of frustration that I just can't find out what's happening from the common US sources (which is one reason why I really like Eventeo).

Mandino (Mostrar perfil) 21 de septiembre de 2010 21:59:57

Really a great idea and an useful side. Its nice to read the news in Esperanto!

Who can contribute to the site?

Pk_JoA (Mostrar perfil) 21 de septiembre de 2010 22:41:45

The web is down now (at least for me), but I'll give it a try when it works again ridulo.gif.


LyzTyphone (Mostrar perfil) 22 de septiembre de 2010 01:56:32

erinja:This is a tad off-topic, Polaris, but for good English-language international news, I wouldn't go to American news sources, which usually have only limited coverage of international news. I like the BBC news online for good coverage of worldwide news.

Reading the British press, I am usually aware of developing international news stories weeks and sometimes even months before they are ever reported in the US press - particularly with regard to Africa, whose coverage in the US press is usually sparse to say the least.
Have to agree, completely. When I was doing Speech & Debate in high school, one of my teammate doing Foreign Extemporaneous highly recommended BBC to me. Not just because of there coverage, but also for the difference in Time Zone. ridulo.gif I could usually get a piece of latest news about 2 hours earlier than it would be reported by East Coast news agency.

ceigered (Mostrar perfil) 22 de septiembre de 2010 05:11:59

The ABC (australian broadcast corporation - not THAT one okulumo.gif) can have some good articles too on occasion but it's very Asia pacific and europe centric - not mich about theUS spare any popular corporations. It's also very much the "state" news channel, so in some aspects it's like xinhua in that it doesn't delve into the niche like it's big spiritual daddy the BBC

Uvi (Mostrar perfil) 22 de septiembre de 2010 11:48:26

You simply cannot find a better source of concise information about what's going on in the world than Eventeo. They are bar-none the best. I learn more from Eventeo than I do from any of the Internet news sources (Fox, CNN, etc.) about things like laws passed in other countries, when other countries have elections, ALL KINDS of things...and what's even better is that there is a place for Esperantists to leave comments and kick things around. I highly recommend it.
I agree: it's a relatively complete and balanced source of concise information. I find it useful to have it on my "Like" list on Facebook, as it posts all the main headlines on my Wall on a regular basis, so I don't miss the good stuff. okulumo.gif (One of the few things FB is good at, I guess.) sal.gif

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