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Capitalisation of Titles

de Genjix, 1 octombrie 2010

Contribuții/Mesaje: 6

Limbă: English

Genjix (Arată profil) 1 octombrie 2010, 07:16:56

What's the rules in Esperanto?

I use other punctuation ;:[]-!/
Can I validly use all of these the same way as we use in English?

Genjix (Arată profil) 1 octombrie 2010, 08:33:14

Great, thanks. I agree with your sentiment about English titles.

Evildela (Arată profil) 1 octombrie 2010, 09:28:55

Capitalise proper nouns, names of countries and people, and the first letter of a sentence. Don't capitalise language names. Its up to you if you want to capitalise names of the week, it was done in the early days of Esperanto but is generally avoided now.

ceigered (Arată profil) 2 octombrie 2010, 11:12:16

As a habit I always capitalise proper nouns, or their sit ins, at least when writing properly. Common nouns I never capitalise. Because though all my Esperanto is normally in informal writing, it's never been a big issue for me, but I notice many can adhere strongly to the rules Evildela gave.

As for language names, in formal writing I do tend to capitalise them even if it's not very suiting for a language like Esperanto - this is to differentiate between the adjective form of say "angla" (e.g. la Angla), and the adjective form of say "la angla (book/pudding/mouse/monster/person)" etc, but more just because Esperanto gets a capital, therefore as far as I am concerned, so does every other language name - stuff the system rido.gif.

Sure, more capitalisation might be annoying for those whose languages don't have capitals at all, but if they're used to having no capitals at all, I doubt an extra few will blow their minds in the negative sense.

KetchupSoldier (Arată profil) 3 octombrie 2010, 21:17:53

French has taught me to keep capitalization to a minimum. I don't mind it, so much. I often get confused writing in my native language whether something deserves capilization or not. (unless it's for emphasis, like "There were the Theatre Kids and then there were the rest of us.")

erinja (Arată profil) 3 octombrie 2010, 21:22:48

FYI names of languages ARE adjectives, that's why we don't capitalize them.

la angla = la angla lingvo

It's an adjective, but the noun is left out in most circumstances; therefore, according to your own system, you shouldn't capitalize it!

As far as I'm concerned, in formal writing you should be more careful to follow the norms, therefore in formal writing I'd expect that names of languages not be capitalized, whereas in informal writing, you could do whatever the heck you pleased ridulo.gif

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