"edutainment" translation
글쓴이: qwertz, 2010년 10월 10일
글: 7
언어: English
qwertz (프로필 보기) 2010년 10월 10일 오전 11:58:45
recently it came into my mind what category Karaokeo could be. In my opinion someone could categorize it (Language)Edutainment. Karaokeo = Singing and memorizing E-o. For me it's really funny what song liriko I didn't understand earlier and what I get know.
i.e. Sintel rekontas E-o
So I thought about what the translation could be: "Formadookupo" or "Formadomemokupo" or something different?
"Ne batelu por E-o, formadookupigu E-o." ?
(Hhm, that looks somewhat mirror inverted "...dook..." I could cut it in the middle and let the ends 3D clap each other and knoting in the background. Interesting 3D modeling concept.)
Miland (프로필 보기) 2010년 10월 10일 오후 5:18:39
You also made me wonder how to translate "infotainment", which is how I've seen the 70s series In search of with Leonard Nimoy described. Perhaps that one could be distrinformado.
qwertz (프로필 보기) 2010년 10월 10일 오후 7:30:28
"Edutainment (gelegentlich auch eingedeutscht „unterhaltsames Lernen“) (okupige instruiĝi) ist ein Kofferwort, dass sich aus den englischen Wörtern education (Bildung) und entertainment (Zeitvertreib, Tempoforpelo) zusammensetzt und ein Konzept der elektronischen Wissensvermittlung, bei dem die Inhalte spielerisch und gleichzeitig auch unterhaltsam vermittelt werden, bezeichnet."
An Edutainment excample is Quarks & Co (in German) moderated by German sciences journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. I don't know a English excample. What he is doing is named "populärwissenschaftlich/ popularscienceca" means difficult matters of science will represented the entertainment way. These edutainment way will also used for non-scienced topics.
Also interesting in the sense of wrapping difficult matters: Large Hadron Rap. It targets to make science popular. | en.wikipedia.org
Infotainment (de.wikipedia.org)
"Unter Infotainment (Kofferwort aus dem Englischen: information und entertainment) versteht man die unterhaltsame Vermittlung von Bildungsinhalten(okupige konadoportado de formadoenhavoj?) und meist auch Scheinwissen, das den Anspruch erhebt, Bildungsbestandteil zu sein."
In German "Entertainment" should be "Unterhaltung". But "Unterhaltung" also can be used for the sense of conversation between interacting persons and maybe animals, too. So, in the sense of Entertainment: I see or hear something what gives me the condition "unterhaltend" (adverb)/ being entertained in the sense of "ĝin okupas min" (my consciousness) and hinders me to think at the problems of daily life. It occupies to focus my consciousness to the entertaining object. This circumstance is "geistige Ablenkung" or simply "Unterhaltung" (psychical deflection away to psychical relaxing) in German. Pfff, that gets difficult.

So, can e-o Karaokeo be language edutainment? Yes of course, combinded with self-studies. But somebody could grasp new words and other views from karaokeo lyrics, too.
ceigered (프로필 보기) 2010년 10월 11일 오전 3:48:31
On the other hand, Infotainment is entertaining information, but has more negative connotations. Infotainment is like what the media produce, it's meant to be facts about current events but it has an entertainment element to it to, which can in some cases degrade the quality of information. I don't know if that is the same as Infotainment as you've described there...
Ankaŭ rigardu tiun ĉi paĝon ĉe Vikipedio: Informuzaĵo. Ne estas Esperanta versio de Edutainment tie, bedaŭrinde.
(Because of lernu
Miland (프로필 보기) 2010년 10월 11일 오전 11:10:16
ceigered:Informuzaĵo.Good one! The root amuz' could generate a number of possibilities like edukamuzado, amuzedukado or amuzinformado
ceigered (프로필 보기) 2010년 10월 11일 오후 12:17:27

qwertz (프로필 보기) 2010년 10월 11일 오후 3:39:40