E-o advertisment at Australian SBS
ca, kivuye
Ubutumwa 5
ururimi: English
qwertz (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 30 Gitugutu 2010 09:09:51
found via tonyodb tweet.
@nighstar @kivulo ĉu temas pri tiu ĉi reklamo (en aŭstralia televido)? www.youtube.com/watch?v=afBaFb5niyw
ĝipsy poste,
ceigered (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 30 Gitugutu 2010 10:25:34
The only channel you'll ever find Inspector Rex/Kommissar Rex/ on without fail

Pity that channels 7/9/10 are more popular, not enough people watching ABC/SBS these days!
qwertz (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 30 Gitugutu 2010 10:42:22
ceigered:Ah, good ol' SBS!Does it also list Derrick | youtube excample? I heard Derrick was exported and subtiteled quite often.
The only channel you'll ever find Inspector Rex/Kommissar Rex/ on without fail.
Pity that channels 7/9/10 are more popular, not enough people watching ABC/SBS these days!
I like that Schimanski movies | youtube example 1 | Schimanski's breakfast *brrr*

Kommissar Rex
ceigered (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 30 Gitugutu 2010 14:06:23
Nor have I heard of Schimanski on SBS either, both may be too old now to be on currently.
While we're on the topic of polic-hundo Rekso:
Some random picture by a seemingly Japanese fan
I wonder if it's actually the same dog still after all these years...
Also, his Vietnamese title according to Wikipedia garners a few laughs:
"Rex, the death-investigating dog"
And finally:
Youtube - Inspektor Herring
qwertz (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 30 Gitugutu 2010 14:29:16
ceigered:I wouldn't know - there doesn't seem to be any information about Derrick on SBS Australia unfortunately.Thanks. Hopefully it doesn't destroy some illusion but de.wikipedia.org shows that it were 3 different German shepherd dogs for the role of Rex.
Nor have I heard of Schimanski on SBS either, both may be too old now to be on currently.
While we're on the topic of polic-hundo Rekso:
Some random picture by a seemingly Japanese fan
I wonder if it's actually the same dog still after all these years...
Also, his Vietnamese title according to Wikipedia garners a few laughs:
"Rex, the death-investigating dog"
"...Namensgebender Protagonist der Serie ist der Schäferhund Rex, dessen vollständiger Name Reginald von Ravenhorst lautet. Bislang haben drei Schäferhunde die Rolle des Rex gespielt: B.J., Rhett und Henry, jeweils trainiert von der amerikanischen Hundetrainerin Teresa Ann Miller..."
en.wikipedia.org "...On 10 October 2007, a special DVD, "Rex By Request" was released featuring the five favourite Kommissar Rex episodes as voted by fans. Also included is an interview with producer/writer Peter Hajek and an hour-long dog-training segment featuring Rex and his trainer Teresa Ann Miller..."
ceigered:Really interesting. It's really interesting how different some Wikipedia entries are.
And finally:
Youtube - Inspektor Herring
"... Inspector Rex is so popular in Australia on the SBS network that it has been parodied by the local comedy show, Newstopia, with a series of station advertisements for a fictional TV show called 'Inspektor Herring'..."
Does there excist a story en Esperanto about a police dog?