Mesaĝoj: 120
Lingvo: English
ZOV (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 00:05:54
Evildela (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 01:50:21
Travis523 (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 05:05:41
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 05:30:28
And that's not even getting onto the attempt to make someone from the holocaust era look evil (that isn't even on when it's directed at ex-german soldiers for heaven's sake!), which I must say seems to be his sole objective from bringing something up like that. This is still back at square one with the faulty logic!
I mean, last time I checked:
He goes on to say that the Soviets, the Chinese, and Hitler himself all considered embracing Esperanto before discarding it upon finding that its proponents “were dangerous. They’re dangerous to everyone.” That’s right: even Hitler didn’t want to mess with the guys who spoke a made-up auxiliary language.could be easily changed to:
He goes on to say that the Soviets, the Chinese, and Hitler himself all considered embracing America before discarding it upon finding that its proponents “were dangerous. They’re dangerous to everyone.” That’s right: even Hitler didn’t want to mess with the guys who didn't like totalitarian regimes.OH. MY. GOD.! AMERICA'S EVIL! EVERYONE! RUN AROUND AND PANIC! FLIP OVER THE NEAREST POLICE CAR! BURN YOUR BRAS! BURN YOUR BOXER SHORTS! ANARCHY!
Ah, also, doesn't China have quite a few EO organisations? Must just be an illusion. Yep, that's definitely it. The world's really like in 1984, and this loud-speaking man is the only one who can show us through the darkness. Yay.
Evildela (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 06:13:07
Bart133 (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 07:11:31
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 08:25:49
Evildela:that Esperanto New TV show that I just watched 2 hours ago being presented by a well spoken Chinese girl was totally not real.Another nefarious plot by those anti-democracy commienazis and no doubt Kaos!

"That’s the place we need to bomb"Reminds me of some classmates from ages ago who mixed up the Phillipines, Taiwan and Japan.
I mean, it's all just an extension of China, isn't it?

(mi senkulpigas min pro mia uzo de sarkasmo, por la nebonparolantoj de la angla lingvo).
We westerners need to step up l'education!
Mike (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 08:47:17
Believe it or not, I am a huge fan of Beck. Sometimes his research is a little spotty (such as in this case), but the basic message of personal responsibility, a return to limited government, belief in American exceptionalism, the reexamination of the true roots of the the "Progressive" movement in the US, distrust of the tendency toward global governance, and suspicion of slimy economic hitmen like Soros are all things which I applaud.
Should Beck have found out a little more about Esperanto before he raised this particular point? Yeah, probably. Nevertheless, Soros' attempt to destroy the dollar and refashion the US and the world in his image are well-documented. If it takes a showman like Beck to get people to pay attention to what's happening around them (even if he gets an isolated fact wrong here or there), then I'm in his corner 100%.
Hopefully, these (assuredly) non-widely-shared-in-the-Esperanto-community beliefs of mine won't make me unwelcome in Esperanto circles forevermore.
Evildela (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 09:50:59
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-13 10:34:34
formiĉjo:Yes, but they also should have done some research of Western-European opinion makers ressources i.e. The Guardian and Der Spiegel. And I assume these newspaper have more deep-insight views about historical European matters including Esperanto background and how Hitler was capable of killing German democracy etc, too. Even if NYT views at Europe also are very interesting.Evildela: Because if he’s gets the subject of Esperanto so badly wrong (Something 5 minutes on Wikipedia could fully inform you about) - then how can I believe anything else this man rants about.EVERYONE gets information about Esperanto wrong! The NY Times has been known to have errors abut Esperanto. They figure "no one speaks it, so who's going to correct us if it's wrong?".
His research team (they're feeling the recession too!) probably skimmed through tidbits about this quaint little language, read words like Hitler, Stalin, Jew (those words are in any good encyclopedia article on Esperanto) and gave it to Glenn Beck. You think any spokesperson does his OWN research?
Evildela:Maybe this research were only done with "movement" search terms. Maybe that's the reason why this person put Esperanto (invented by a Jew) together with the SA barmy troop civic violence activities (against German Jews).
You know even if I believed all the things this guy said, the fact remains that he commits to "Spotty Research", this shows him (in my eyes) to be a terrible reporter / entertainer. And personally the fact that he links Esperanto with Hitler just goes to show how little research he conducts.
Hitler also started with an "movement" idea in Munich. He still tried one time before to putsch to wide-spread his "movement". He could do that or better just could thinking that this putsch could work, because first beginnings of German democracy ( = Weimarer Republik) had not a lot of power at this time to defense against that paramilitary offenses of aggressive Ex-soldiers from WW1. SA troops operation "Kristallnacht" was another operation to show the world that any German democracy was killed at this time. Hopefully that will never happen again "in the name of" something else. There can be found a documentary of SA troops "Kristallnacht" holecaust at youtube. Search for " Kristallnacht - A Documentary "