Sisu juurde

Translation: alternatives

kelle poolt Miland, 20. detsember 2010

Postitused: 14

Keel: English

ceigered (Näita profiili) 22. detsember 2010 4:21.40

sudanglo:In the Tekstaro, I found 'larĝe konata fakto', 'vaste konata fakto' and 'monde konata fakto'
Awesome, I wasn't that far off with my "vaste" lango.gif.

It seems that, after looking into the definitions, koni might be better since it implies knowledge of something, where as "scii" is more certain and precise "knowing".

In regards to facts etc, "koni" seems to indicate a sense of "knowing it exists, that there is indeed that fact", where as "scii" seems to indicate a sense of "knowing the fact in full, knowing how it works".

Perhaps a good disctinction to use here is "knowing that smoking is dangerous" (koni) and "knowing that smoking is dangerous (and it's implied that you know why too)" (scii).

Of course, that's just my 5 minutes research just because I wanted to continue joining in on this discussion...

sudanglo (Näita profiili) 22. detsember 2010 9:16.18

Yes Ceiger. You might say, En la deknaŭa jarcento oni ankoraŭ ne sciis ke la kaŭzo de multaj malsanoj estas mikro-organismoj. But nowadays this is a konata afero (it is well-known).

I think the spirit of the sentence that Miland wanted translated is that people are familiar now with the dangers of smoking so a translation with koni is natural.

Miland (Näita profiili) 22. detsember 2010 13:31.19

This interesting discussion led me to look a little further into koni. Butler's dictionary says that it means to know about, to be acquainted with, or to know from experience.
Thus we could apply it to the dangers of smoking in general. However, for the fact that smoking is dangerous we would need scii. So in my view we could have La danĝero de fumado estas bone konata, but to assert the fact we would need e.g. oni bone scias ke fumado estas danĝera.

yugary (Näita profiili) 23. detsember 2010 10:41.36

Miland is right. Koni is inappropriate in this case. Stick with scii.

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