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Translating the word "sublime"

af Benjamen, 26. dec. 2010

Meddelelser: 5

Sprog: English

Benjamen (Vise profilen) 26. dec. 2010 04.11.35

Hello all,

I'm trying to come up with a way to express the English word "sublime" in Esperanto, and having little success. There's no particular context that I'm thinking of, but mainly the idea of "awe-inspiring" (which I wasn't able to translate either).

Any ideas? Thanks!

3rdblade (Vise profilen) 26. dec. 2010 04.33.25

Howzabout preterbonega or superbonega? Literally 'beyond excellent' & 'above excellent'.

RiotNrrd (Vise profilen) 26. dec. 2010 05.28.39

The Benson dictionary gives "sublima" for "sublime". That's what I'd use.

Miland (Vise profilen) 26. dec. 2010 14.47.11

Sublima is the simplest answer to your question, but I think you do need to have a context in mind. The context affects the meaning that you wish to translate. For "awe-inspiring" or "awesome" Wells has impona which also means "imposing" or "impressive".

Benjamen (Vise profilen) 27. dec. 2010 03.46.56

Hmm... sublima is certainly idiomatic (sub la limo). When I went to find the origin of the Latin word, I learned that it's uncertain where the "lim" part came from, so it would be difficult to base a translation on etymology.

If sublima is generally understood, I might use it sometime, but since it's not even a common English word, I'm sure I can get by just fine without it in Esperanto. I just think it's a cool word. okulumo.gif

Thanks y'all!

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