Повідомлення: 10
Мова: English
erinja (Переглянути профіль) 9 січня 2011 р. 21:17:48
A side note to the person who mentioned he was from Kentucky, I forget who it was - It looks like one of the organizers of the symposium is an Esperantist who works at the University of Louisville, so if you are not too far from the university, you could possibly meet up with her to practice your Esperanto. It's Bonnie Fonseca-Greber, and her e-mail is at the bottom of this posting.
Where: University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
When: Saturday-Sunday, 26-27 February 2011
Under the leadership of:
Ulrich Becker, poet and publisher
Duncan Charters, linguist
Humphrey Tonkin, critic
Tim Westover, author
Duration: The seminar will begin on the morning of February 26, and end at noon on February 27. It will partly coincide with the 39th Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, organized by the University (http://www.thelouisvilleconference.com/), for which visitors can register at a daily rate of $10.
Location: Meeting rooms of the University of Louisville.
Languages: Seminar languages will be Esperanto and English.
Accommodation: For hotels, see the conference website.
Registration: $35 ($15 for students). You can pay at the Esperantic Studies Foundation’s website (Online Giving); scroll down and click on the Paypal button “Research Initiatives”). Please also announce your wish to attend by writing to the organizers:
bonnie.fonsecagreber[ at ]louisville.edu
tonkin[ at ]hartford.edu
chez.grebeli[ at ]gmail.com
36lima (Переглянути профіль) 14 січня 2011 р. 19:35:47
I would like to go but, 9 hours is a pretty big drive and I wouldn't want to fly ($$ and my aversion to being patted down by hourly employees - I suppose it could be worse, the TSA could work on commission).
Anyone else on Lernu.net planning on being there or thinking about it?
T0dd (Переглянути профіль) 14 січня 2011 р. 19:38:20
Shanemk (Переглянути профіль) 21 січня 2011 р. 04:08:05
And UofL isn't far from me, thanks for telling me about that. It would help a lot to talk with an experienced speaker face to face
Mathieux (Переглянути профіль) 21 січня 2011 р. 05:30:44
erinja:thanks ^^ (I don't know if this was directed toward me, but I do live in Kentucky and as stated above live really close to the university)
A side note to the person who mentioned he was from Kentucky, I forget who it was - It looks like one of the organizers of the symposium is an Esperantist who works at the University of Louisville, so if you are not too far from the university, you could possibly meet up with her to practice your Esperanto. It's Bonnie Fonseca-Greber, and her e-mail is at the bottom of this posting.
erinja (Переглянути профіль) 21 січня 2011 р. 14:25:08
LSene (Переглянути профіль) 24 січня 2011 р. 06:03:45
I've been a student at UofL for six years now and I never knew there was an Esperantist on campus. This is awesome, I will show up.
plbuck (Переглянути профіль) 28 січня 2011 р. 20:07:00
erinja:Just in case anyone will be able to attend, this is the complete information on the symposium on Esperanto Literature that will be held in Kentucky at the end of February. The organizers are really hoping some more people will sign up, so if you're interested and you're free on the relevant weekend, and able to travel there, I encourage you to do so!
A side note to the person who mentioned he was from Kentucky, I forget who it was - It looks like one of the organizers of the symposium is an Esperantist who works at the University of Louisville, so if you are not too far from the university, you could possibly meet up with her to practice your Esperanto. It's Bonnie Fonseca-Greber, and her e-mail is at the bottom of this posting.
Where: University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
When: Saturday-Sunday, 26-27 February 2011
Under the leadership of:
Ulrich Becker, poet and publisher
Duncan Charters, linguist
Humphrey Tonkin, critic
Tim Westover, author
Duration: The seminar will begin on the morning of February 26, and end at noon on February 27. It will partly coincide with the 39th Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, organized by the University (http://www.thelouisvilleconference.com/), for which visitors can register at a daily rate of $10.
Location: Meeting rooms of the University of Louisville.
Languages: Seminar languages will be Esperanto and English.
Accommodation: For hotels, see the conference website.
Registration: $35 ($15 for students). You can pay at the Esperantic Studies Foundation’s website (Online Giving); scroll down and click on the Paypal button “Research Initiatives”). Please also announce your wish to attend by writing to the organizers:
bonnie.fonsecagreber[ at ]louisville.edu
tonkin[ at ]hartford.edu
chez.grebeli[ at ]gmail.com
plbuck (Переглянути профіль) 28 січня 2011 р. 20:09:32
36lima:I saw the announcement on esperanto-usa.org for this event.
I would like to go but, 9 hours is a pretty big drive and I wouldn't want to fly ($$ and my aversion to being patted down by hourly employees - I suppose it could be worse, the TSA could work on commission).
Anyone else on Lernu.net planning on being there or thinking about it?
erinja (Переглянути профіль) 29 січня 2011 р. 02:49:54