訊息: 8
語言: English
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2011年1月22日下午4:24:00

(* * rubo * * sen spacoj)
How many more of these are there other than the ones that you can easily select? Is there a secret list somewhere?

(saw it in the testejo)
darkweasel (顯示個人資料) 2011年1月22日下午4:34:44
A little test which ones of these work on the forum:

... so, all of them do!

Hispanio (顯示個人資料) 2011年1月22日下午4:56:49

I've never seen those emoticons here.
ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2011年1月22日下午5:29:12

Hehehe, a big thanks to Kolonjano I do propose! Thanks Darkweasel for showing me that!
(also, I think for the English forums here

Also, I must congratulate the Lernu team for their good yet concise selection of emoticons (although I think some are feeling left out not there on the pallet with the other ten), reading some Indonesian forums has expanded my imagination as far as the numerous activities chibi monkeys can possibly act out.
Miland (顯示個人資料) 2011年1月22日下午5:40:37
Jasminka (顯示個人資料) 2011年1月22日下午9:35:14
Miland:What are the green Zam icons supposed to mean? What is your view?Nothing, they are just for fun.

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2011年1月23日上午5:23:03

I'm guessing it's just another representation of EO's modern day eksterlanda mascot?
3rdblade (顯示個人資料) 2011年1月23日上午5:44:43
ceigered:They're subliminal racism against (or for?) green skinned peoples from other planets.Zamenhof read 'The War of the Worlds' and decided that though he loved all people of the world, he'd never love invaders from Mars who drove tripod robots and shot people. The one time he met HG Wells, his only word to him was "malbonulo." Wells later thought that he had asked about his bonnet, and since he didn't own one he'd been left speechless.
Nah, I just made all that up.