Mesaĝoj: 42
Lingvo: English
etala (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 04:49:48
Putting tekst into the dictionary got me tekstoprilaborilo "word processor" which is the longest word I've ever seen, though it could hypothetically be lengthened to tekstoprilaborilulo "word processing person".
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 05:12:21
etala:What's the longest Esperanto word you've seen?Well, technically we could go on all day.
Putting tekst into the dictionary got me tekstoprilaborilo "word processor" which is the longest word I've ever seen, though it could hypothetically be lengthened to tekstoprilaborilulo "word processing person".
Ekstertekstprilaborilularanindkunvenejetegmanierismo = A doctrine of mannners of the style of being outside a (larger than normal?)* small assembly place worthy of members of a group of word processing fellows.
That could be the manners one is expected to use when at a relatively small meeting place for text editor users when that place is larger than most other small meeting places but still not large enough to be classed as normal. Or, as the * indicates, it's possible that this etega place is intensely small, so much more greatly so than any thing else. Perhaps this meeting is occurring in the cleaner's closet because all the other normal meeting places were booked out, yet it is still somehow worthy of these text editor users (rather insultingly I'd imagine)? Either way, the idea is that the small place is clearly cramped or clearly more vast than usual, and one must use different manners or something like that

EDIT: Yeah, it's "intensely small", not "larger than normal small". I created this monstrosity and still don't 100% understand it

Anyone feel like beefing that one up, and continuing it's English definition?

Generally though, "longest words" are normally rare or constructed on purpose, (like the antiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantiantidrug league), and not preferable, e.g. "tekstprilaborilo" could be shortened to "tekstilo" (text tool), except where tekstilo could mean something else. "Tekstlaborilo" is also good, as that "pri" is rather superfluous for this particular construction. After all, in Modern English we call most word processors by their brand name, and "MS Word" clearly doesn't describe the traits of a text editor with precision.
chrisim101010 (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 11:50:21
ceigered:Errrr, Hmmmm. Your explanation sortof looks like something i might see in a Terry Pratchet book. Having mentioned that, "Etego" could possably describe a form of Tardis. Therefore, the word processing fellows might be meeting in a room that appears tiny on the outside, but a large room on the inside. I suppose "Egeto" would be large on the outside, but tiny on the inside! It could be done, although why, i do not know.
Ekstertekstprilaborilularanindkunvenejetegmanierismo = A doctrine of mannners of the style of being outside a (larger than normal?)* small assembly place worthy of members of a group of word processing fellows.
That could be the manners one is expected to use when at a relatively small meeting place for text editor users when that place is larger than most other small meeting places but still not large enough to be classed as normal. Or, as the * indicates, it's possible that this etega place is intensely small, so much more greatly so than any thing else. Perhaps this meeting is occurring in the cleaner's closet because all the other normal meeting places were booked out, yet it is still somehow worthy of these text editor users (rather insultingly I'd imagine)? Either way, the idea is that the small place is clearly cramped or clearly more vast than usual, and one must use different manners or something like that
EDIT: Yeah, it's "intensely small", not "larger than normal small". I created this monstrosity and still don't 100% understand it
Anyone feel like beefing that one up, and continuing it's English definition?.
Has anyone tried to write science fiction in Esperanto before? Ooh the possabilities

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 12:10:41
chrisim101010:Errrr, Hmmmm. Your explanation sortof looks like something i might see in a Terry Pratchet book. Having mentioned that, "Etego" could possably describe a form of Tardis. Therefore, the word processing fellows might be meeting in a room that appears tiny on the outside, but a large room on the inside. I suppose "Egeto" would be large on the outside, but tiny on the inside! It could be done, although why, i do not know.I'll take that as one of the highest compliments a man could be awarded with

As for -eteg- meaning small yet big, well, I pondered that a while back but basically eg after et or et after eg would intensify/soften the effect of the first word, e.g. eteg = intensely small, eget = barely great. Well, normally. I'm sure there's a way to get that big yet small yet big effect somehow, and now I'm curious as to how that'd be possible - Heck, eteg actually could work, since while the eg would normally effect et, the wordplay-joke could be that the eg doesn't refer to et but to the rest of the word, thus giving the reader/listener/characters in a book a false impression of the dimensions of this object.
klnptrs78 (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 13:10:29

It's like this, some foreign songs sound great, but they're not so fun as they are not easily understood, or not understood at all. If a song isn't for all the family and you can't teach the children, then, it's going to be limited. It's sort of like hearing someone whispering loadly and it's not polite to whisper in front of others. Unfortunately, most in the world do not care much about manners nowadays.
I'm glad that some diminutives in Esperanto turned out not to be cutsey. It had me worried though as I'd been originally taught that there's one word and only one word to say things. So saying mommy and daddy may seem just adding human coolness to the language but if it was a public work or a legal document, one thing can lead to another and then, Esperanto could end up being as big of a linguistic monster as other languages in it's own way.
I am not against my own language or any other but I do think that all should be reasonably cooperative to help get people out of the trouble with the sort of Tower of Bable tragedy. It is unethical and morally immature for adults to purposely make writings difficult to understand. Some misguided people think that makes it so only the right sort can understand. That's total nonsense. It's not like the creme de la creme in essential labor like the space program and the height of medical research goes around trying to fool folks and acting like only the unfooled are the moral ones. They get their job done and communicate clearly. Fun is fine, but horsing around even linguistically for serioius situations professionally and socially is not fun or funny at all.
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 13:11:38
Let's say that Etala's tekstoprilaborilo set the ball rolling with 16 letters. I can't think of a longer one off hand.
Remember, words from the real world, not scifi or fantasy.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 13:38:01
klnptrs78:It is unethical and morally immature for adults to purposely make writings difficult to understand. Some misguided people think that makes it so only the right sort can understand. That's total nonsense.Well, being silly/stupid isn't necessarily immoral and unethical. Difficult to understand is also subjective.
That said, gigantic words like ektertekst-etcetc (no way I'm rewriting that

You raise good points and I don't mean to appear as if I'm picking on you, but I just think that such strong language as "unethical" etc is probably not well placed

(also note that I have trouble discerning between "ethical" and "moral", so forgive me for that).
@ Miland, I feel though that there is no limit. There aren't any big commonly used words, since after a certain amount of radicals are "kunmetitaj", the word becomes unique as is.
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 13:39:41
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 14:28:18
darkweasel:I once used supersignanstataŭigmetodoj on the Esperanto-language lernu! board.Is this about codes for emoticons?
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-januaro-24 14:35:04
ceigered:..gigantic words like ektertekst-etcetc (no way I'm rewriting thatEkstertera has 9 letters, while eksterterulo has 12 letters. The English word "extraterrestrial" has 16 letters. Facts are good, aren't they?) are silly..