
Rotary & Esperanto

de LeandroFreitas, 1 de febrero de 2011

Aportes: 43

Idioma: English

Genjix (Mostrar perfil) 5 de febrero de 2011 17:25:18

@ Genjix - Nice stuff bruva! Might I ask what the more dynamic of the two lower animations is meant to be (the one that looks reminiscent of an 80's video game)? I got mesmerised by it trying to figure it out lango.gif
Ah thank you. Wasn't trying to promote myself lango.gif Just show what's possible for a single person...

The animation is something really amazing & interesting called cellular automata.

I wrote about game of life.

Also see Game of Life and Cellular automata on Wikipedia.

A video of game of life in action.

Amazing how these simple rules make such complex 'machines'. My interest in them stems from when I spent a couple of months researching evolution with them (evolution is a heavy interest of mine). Here's a simple game of life implementation I wrote in Python to show you how simple these games can actually be. I recommend reading (the book) or watching (the lecture) from Stephan Wolfram's A New Kind of Science (both have same name).

Procedural generation also is interesting because it has the possibility to cut down on workloads in the future for people so we can be more creative with our tools without getting bogged down in the weeds of details. The whole click 'Design best video game ever' button on a computer which does it for you.

Evildela (Mostrar perfil) 6 de febrero de 2011 01:08:37

Alot of Esperantist's during the many great wars and prosecutions died under the Esperanto flag - to me it has very great meaning... and really what organization doesn't have a flag now days, even our local golfing club has its own flag design! I honestly don't like seeing the jubilee it make Esperanto look so juvenile, like we couldn't even organize a real symbol.

ceigered (Mostrar perfil) 6 de febrero de 2011 09:28:49

Evildela, while you raise a good point, I wouldn't say anyone died under the flag, and if they did that's a tragedy, but it shouldn't be the case. To die under a flag has connotations of having a military relationship with that flag - e.g. you carried it into battle and fell with it, or died trying to protect it. EOists have died "because" of (their association with) the flag, but to die under it would be treating Esperanto more as Esperantujo, which turns Esperanto into something that can replace current nations.

At least that's what I've come to understand with that phrase, I believe you've more years under my belt so I could be saying something paramount to age-related subordination, I apologise if that's the case...

@ Genix:
That is a very concise block of code! It is remarkable how straightfoward simple, yet mindlessly complicated this world is (also, re that lot of code, the link to " or something like that is broken and leads to one of those ad pages).

I guess the best way to sum it up is "given enough time and chances, all that is possible will eventuate"?

All very interesting!

Genjix (Mostrar perfil) 6 de febrero de 2011 12:38:18

Exactly ridulo.gif

BTW the site (for the tutorial) is

Miland (Mostrar perfil) 6 de febrero de 2011 19:08:35

Here's a reason for preferring the green star to the melono: the latter consists of the letters from the Greek and Cyrillic alphabets which are equivalent to "E", i.e. non-Esperanto letters!
This visually expresses two errors: first, that Esperanto is only a compound of European languages, and secondly, that it is a European language, not an international language. Thus the melono gives out a message that is not in agreement with the true principles of the movement.
Badges of the traditional green star, whose form is found at Zamenhof's tomb, and which he often wore, often have in the centre the Esperanto "E", neither Greek nor Cyrillic!

Genjix (Mostrar perfil) 6 de febrero de 2011 19:58:26

Here's an example of a good logo that's an apt example for Esperanto.
- Easily reproducible (black+white, spray-paint, doesn't require skill to draw).
- Recognisible from a distance.
- Meaningful (3 people of different colours linking arms to form a circle).
- Geometrical. Has the whole circle motif reinforcing the idea of community feedback.
- Warm colours that come off the page (blues recede into the distance and are good for business designs to indicate professionalism).
- Colour agnostic (looks the same in black + white).
- Adaptabile this and this

Such an excellent design.

I just threw together this quickly. 1000x better than melono. Arrows = intersection of competing ideas (or something lango.gif).

With thought someone could really design something nice.

erinja (Mostrar perfil) 6 de febrero de 2011 21:03:50

Technically the two E's in the melono represent east and west coming together. Of course this means eastern and western Europe, which does make things seem very Eurocentric, as Miland mentions.

I think some people might confuse your arrow symbol for an anarchy symbol, Genjix!

I wasn't going to make my own symbol (I'm happy with the green star, personally) but in the spirit of friendly debate, I think it's unfair to comment on Genjix's symbol without making my own proposal!

Therefore, attached to this message is my symbol.

In the spirit of combining east and west, but in a more international manner than the original melon, I combined the E from Esperanto and the Chinese word 世, meaning "world" (and it's also the first character in 世界語, the Chinese word for Esperanto)

I spent hours and hours on this logo and I hope you like it.

[ok, I lied, actually I threw it together in five minutes. Other options I considered were incorporating an E with the Japanese kana エ (e), or with the Korean jamo ㅔ, also representing the e sound.

Ok, have at it!

RiotNrrd (Mostrar perfil) 6 de febrero de 2011 21:57:54

erinja:[ok, I lied, actually I threw it together in five minutes./quote]Heh. To be honest, it looks a lot to me like a big E with a squared U superimposed over it.

I mean, if we're trying to get away from implying that Esperano is primarily an EU thing, I'm not sure that's quite the way to go...


Genjix (Mostrar perfil) 6 de febrero de 2011 22:15:25

Nice to see you sharing your ideas.

What would a logo communicate?
- Empowerment (through liberated communication).
- Global values.
- Community/sharing.

You're right... I didn't put any thought into that idea (I was imagining the squatting logo which is anarchist). About yours- it isn't wise to include another language when Esperanto is supposed to be culture-agnostic.

Genjix (Mostrar perfil) 6 de febrero de 2011 22:33:50

Another idea,

Makes an E, plus it shows the community going full circle before expanding outwards.

I like the idea of some kind of motif involving the tower of Babel...

I made this

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