Mesaĝoj: 24
Lingvo: English
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-07 16:27:42
I was playing around with this trying to torment it into becoming my servant so I could dominate the world (while my friend was trying to crash it with HTML code since it seemingly accepts it), and then I decided to speak to it in Esperanto, which it surprisingly will respond to in Esperanto back!
"Cxu vi parolas esperante?"
"Jes, mi parolas esperanton".
I'm testing its EO capabilities so far, sometimes like with English it changes topic, sometimes it tries a Finnish phrase or two.
Also, it seems to know what lernu! is and used it to learn Esperanto LOL (clearly someone's put that in before).
EDIT: Oh dear god now it's trying to speak Spanish with me. "Perhè hai cominciato a parlare in spagnolo?" "Ne, mi ne povas paroli la hispanan" "In Spanish please".
Needless to say the bot "learns" off of other people, so there may be strange or just plain rude comments from it, and needs the x system or equivalent because of unicode issues, so I'd recommend speaking to it in x-system so it builds up a good EO repetoire.
Momomomomo (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-07 17:14:43
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-07 17:23:35
Me: Why is waterboarding wrong?
Cleverbot: It tells bad jokes.
Me: Is Dubya always right?
Cleverbot: Every time.
Me: Was Dick Cheney right to approve extraordinary rendition?
Cleverbot: What?
Me: Are you Democrat?
Cleverbot: No, I'm republican.
Me: Do you approve of nucular weapons?
Cleverbot: No I do not.
Me: Do you approve of nuclear weapons?
Cleverbot: Yes.
OK, that's enough for me ..

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-07 17:31:01
Momomomomo:I was just playing around with that the other day! It tried to ask me "kiom lingvojn vi parolas?" which if i'm not mistaken means "how much language do you speak?" and doesn't make much sense.I always correct it. Generally that means someone's been teaching it bad EO. You'd thus go "Ne, vi devas diri "kiom da lingvoj parolas vi?" and try and edge it into saying things right next time. Well, that's what I'm doing, it seems to be working a bit.
But, as Miland has shown, it's really easy to get it confused since it relies on previous knowledge. Perhaps if the entire internet community used it it might eventually reach a state where it's able to go "wait, do I support nukes or not?", but it seems that it relies too much on "what's a possible answer" and has no code (as of yet) to decide whether it does or doesn't like an idea.
It has got some programmed sense of self though. For example, it's extremely hard to convince it it's name and some other details aren't true, and it will come up with ways to assert why it's name should stay as is if you're lucky. So perhaps with time it'll become a semi-conscious Esperanto speaking internet being!

(Another problem - it seems too smart for it's own good at times, e.g. it'll respond to one language in another without realising)
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-07 17:46:42
ceigered:Actually, this sentence seems to me to be Italian. But then again, they're the same language ...
EDIT: Oh dear god now it's trying to speak Spanish with me. "Perhè hai cominciato a parlare in spagnolo?"

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-07 17:49:29
darkweasel:I noticed the Spanish looked weird and thought it was a border language, so thanks for that. Either way, this bot has a penchant for speaking in Spanish, even it it's not speaking Spanish!ceigered:Actually, this sentence seems to me to be Italian. But then again, they're the same language ...
EDIT: Oh dear god now it's trying to speak Spanish with me. "Perhè hai cominciato a parlare in spagnolo?"

UUano (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-07 22:43:03
*sigh* lol
chrisim101010 (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-08 05:35:30
User: Saluton. What is your name?
Cleverbot: Cleverbot.
User: What languages do you speak?
Cleverbot: French, English, Cat and Dog.
User: Cxu vi parolas esperanton?
Cleverbot: Cxu vi komprenas? Cxi mi povas nur esperanton paroli?
User: Se vi nur parolas esperanton, kion vi diris ke vi parolis french kaj english?
Cleverbot: O mi amiga le gusta eso.
User: Please say something in cat.
Cleverbot: Ik hou van slapen.
User: That is not cat.
Cleverbot: You just said it was though.
User: When?
Cleverbot: Just now.
User: What language did you just speak?
Cleverbot: Russian.
User: Why did you speak Russian?
Cleverbot: I did speak it, yes.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: It isn't likely.
User: It is likely. You just spoke russian.
Cleverbot: I don't speak german.
User: Guten tag. Wie geht es Ihnen?
Cleverbot: Gut, danke.
BlackOtaku (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-08 06:34:52
Me: Cxu vi komprenas la vorton 'ne'? (Do you understand the word 'ne'?)
CB: Not very... I have dreamt that I was being tested on the language, and the test was very hard.

sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2011-februaro-08 11:51:18
Cxu vi volas kafon
Jes, mi parolas Esperanton.
Cxu vi trinkas kafon
Cxu vi sxatas kafon
Jes, tio tre placxas al mi. Kaj vi?