
Simpel-Fonetik : does it work ?


メッセージ: 10

言語: English

sev (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月10日 20:04:55

"Kevin, thät is veri interesting. It remainds mi of samthing thät ai löörnd wen ai was in Hawaii meni jiirs ögou. Did ju nou thät the Hawaiian längwidsh kud bi konsiderd ö pörfekt längwidsh?"

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月10日 20:11:12

Oh please not another one of these...

AnFu (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月10日 21:49:25


Thank you for your post. However, the English forum at Lernu is devoted to the learning of Esperanto.

The English forum at Lernu is NOT devoted to the reform of spelling of the English language.

Thank you for your understanding.

erinja:Oh please not another one of these...
Well, at least it wasn't yet another post about "What do you think of my new conlang?" or "Wouldn't it be better if Esperanto had MY new 'improvements'?"

darkweasel (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月10日 22:03:47

Well, at least it wasn't yet another post about "What do you think of my new conlang?" or "Wouldn't it be better if Esperanto had MY new 'improvements'?"

sev (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月10日 23:13:00

Ok, very sorry.

Fakte, mi neniam legas la anglan forumon, kaj mi ne sciis ke oni jam tro ofte diskuti pri fonetikaj transkriboj tie.

Mi preskau ne parolas la anglan, kaj mi nur volis scii se tiu propono estas serioze, lau fonetika vidpunkto.

Sed, bone, mi almenau povos legi tiujn diskutojn ridulo.gif

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月11日 0:18:28

You can discuss any topic at all in the Esperanto-language forums. The goal is to practice Esperanto, so you can talk about anything at all.

But in the national language forums, we try to limit discussions to topics that relate to Esperanto and learning Esperanto, as much as possible. Sometimes discussions digress to another topic but we try to at least *start* the discussion on a topic relevant to Esperanto. Also, since this is the English forum, all posts should be accompanied by an English translation (this rule is true of all "national language" forums)


Vi povas diskuti ĉiujn temojn en la esperantaj forumoj. La celo estas praktiki Esperanton, do oni povas paroli pri ĉio ajn.

Sed en la nacilingva forumoj, ni provas nur diskuti temojn kiuj rilatas al Esperanto kaj lernado de Esperanto, kiel eble plej multe. Kelkfoje diskutoj vagas al alia temo sed ni provas almenaŭ komence diskuti nur temojn kiuj rilatas al Esperanto.

Ankaŭ, pro tio ke ĉi tiu estas la anglalingva forumo, ĉiuj mesaĝoj devas inkluzivi anglalingvan tradukon (ĉi tiu regulo validas en ĉiuj nacilingvaj forumoj)

ceigered (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月15日 5:11:26

There's better, more practical ways of reforming spelling. All English needs to have done is be brought in line roughly with the other Germanic languages (Faroese would be a good goal!), it doesn't need a "fully phonetic system" since most of those systems spend too much energy and make too many sacrifices with the recognisability to be considered useful to all English speakers (remember the diversity of dialects). Most importantly English spelling reforms must correlate to English spelling habits and not say German with a bit of Finnish spelling habits (unless they are indeed also English habits okulumo.gif).

Ze End ridulo.gif

marcuscf (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月17日 15:07:31

Ironically, both an English spelling reform and the adoption of Esperanto would improve international communication!

I'm not sure about the use of 'a' for both /a/ and (IPA) /ʌ/ as if they were the same thing. It looks crippled.

Its use of dsh makes it look like the author does not even grasp the difference between ĵ and ŝ. It is as if ĝ sounded like dŝ and not dĵ. He does know IPA, tho. So I think it is a conshus* (but weird) design decision.

* I can't remember how to spell conscious, so I followed the FreeSpelling rule. Oh, wait...! senkulpa.gif

ceigered (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月22日 0:17:05

I believe (because I've been delving into this topic myself) that an EO style "phonetic system" for English would be a nightmare, since words like 'conshus' don't even appear to me as recognisable lango.gif

If you simply had acute and grave accents to signify stressed long and short vowels respectively (with no accent marker over unstressed or ambiguous vowels), that solves a lot of the pronunciation problems with English while retaining the same spelling (and it's fairly easy too). I guess an accent mark over letters like g (when it's the same as j) and ch (when it's the same as sh) can also solve a couple of problems, but consonants and accent marks go together like oil and water as far as computers are concerned.

Greek does it and so does learners Russian (when not using an arbitrary phonetic transcription system rido.gif), and both work well (sadly Russian proper does not mark stress, but in both Russian and English's case only the learner ever needs to see bonus accent marks, a native already knows how to pronounce words).

(the following looks better written) But hèy, it's nó big pròblem, and it'll pròbably work itself out! But we dón't need to be extréme about it, otherwíse we risk turning English into something it réally isn't. (and when you start trading letters around and adding accents that are relatively alien to English speakers like umlauts, hats etc, you're bound to make problems).

marcuscf (プロフィールを表示) 2011年2月22日 14:17:52

ceigered:If you simply had acute and grave accents to signify stressed long and short vowels respectively (with no accent marker over unstressed or ambiguous vowels), that solves a lot of the pronunciation problems with English while retaining the same spelling (and it's fairly easy too).
Yes, that's one of the possibilities. There are millions of proposals, each one as relevant as Lidepla. senkulpa.gif
