Mesaĝoj: 40
Lingvo: English
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-24 11:05:07
sudanglo:And, I expect, Ceiger, you could find U-tube Videos of Trekkies having a go at Klingon - So what.So this automatically devalues everything I just said? Perhaps it means that Klingon counts as a language too? Of course, that's youtube, and there's heaps of crap on youtube. But to see a documentary style video about an entire interlingua conference, to me, shows evidence of using the language properly, like with Esperanto.
Of course, if you'd like to call bollocks on that, then I can easily change my mind and go "oh well, EO's not a language". After all, all I've ever seen are youtube videos of conferences and seemingly insignificant (laŭ via opinio) things like that.
The so called vital distinction is purely SCALE. EO's community is BIGGER. That's all that needs to be argued. You don't need to look for some other magical reason, coz there AIN'T any. We can't put all of our effort into going "wow Esperanto's so unique", it won't work that way. There are languages with bigger communites, and liked by far more people. This does not devalue Esperanto, and thus Esperanto should not devalue languages "below" it (on the linguistic food chain). We have to sell the language for what it is, otherwise if we try to say Esperanto is seperate or better etc to other languages, what are we doing? We're both giving free advertisement to those other languages, and we're coming off as if we're got a superiority complex. WE DON'T WANT THAT!.
Sudanglo:How can the general public be expected to see the distinction, if we (I mean Esperantists) don't forcibly assert it ourseves.Well they ain't a bunch of idiots. If they don't like EO when they here it's a language or some special language, which it is often termed as, they ain't gonna learn it. You can't force people to learn it if they don't like it and that doesn't make them stupid (It makes them narrow minded - just joking!

In all seriousness, the public are likely to only KNOW about Esperanto. There's no point differentiating between EO and other conlangs because the general public don't know they even exist. The only way you could sell Esperanto any differently or make it sound special is to outright lie about it and brainwash people who still don't want to learn it then.
So, there is no reason to advertise EO as being "better" than other conlangs, because EO's size is a passive advertisement as-is, and no one cares about conlangs or knows there's even such a category (people tend to call them made-up languages). The only exceptions are Klingon and Na'vi, and if people don't think those are langauges, they're not gonna call EO a language if they've never heard of it before since they'll put 1 and 1 together and go "so, if the made up languages Klingon and Na'vi aren't languages, how is the made up language Esperanto". And that is a VERY hard argument to win, since anything that isn't a proper argument with decent evidence just results in the other party looking at you like you're some fanatical evangelist for a cult.
Thus, building up Esperanto to be something it isn't necessarily, or demoting other conlangs to non-language status to make Esperanto look better, is shooting ourselves in the foot.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-24 12:18:10
A consumer only needs to be able to read it and listen to it. As an English speaker, or better yet an English speaker with sufficient knowledge of romance languages (e.g. if you learn Spanish/Italian etc, even say Esperanto), reading interlingua is very easy and doesn't require much effort, except a grammar reference and dictionary loaded on another tab in your browser.
A producer needs to understand the grammar, have a lexicon in their head and needs to be intimately experienced with the language so they can write and speak in a way that similarly experienced individuals can understand.
This doesn't really work with EO, unless we talk about Ido, since EO is different enough from other languages that the similarities aren't so common you can passively read texts with little effort needed to comprehend them. Interlingua though is like a dialect of every single romance language, and since English is practically half anglo norman french, an English speaker doesn't need to be able to understand the language to understand it if you get my drift

T0dd (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-24 12:54:49
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-24 12:58:16
ceigered:So this automatically devalues everything I just said? Perhaps it means that Klingon counts as a language too?Seriously, you guys, if you want to keep discussing this, please take it to the private messages. There are only a few people active on this vehement debate and I doubt that anyone will convince anyone, but if you want to continue duking it out, I suggest taking it private.
T0dd (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-24 14:39:27
erinja:I apologize, and I've edited my lastceigered:So this automatically devalues everything I just said? Perhaps it means that Klingon counts as a language too?Seriously, you guys, if you want to keep discussing this, please take it to the private messages. There are only a few people active on this vehement debate and I doubt that anyone will convince anyone, but if you want to continue duking it out, I suggest taking it private.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-24 15:12:38
RE T0dd's previous addition to the volley

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-24 15:37:16
Furthermore, most posts have come from the same few people. So it's hardly the entire forum that has been participating. I've personally been ignoring most of the off-topic debate here.
Resolving topics is all well and good that presupposes that they can be resolved. If I were one to wager, I would put a lot of money on the fact that sudanglo isn't going to come to agree with Todd and ceigered anytime soon, and Todd and ceigered won't be agreeing with sudanglo anytime soon. So there will be no resolution; the maximum that we can achieve is to agree to disagree. Future readers getting the 'wrong ideas'? That presupposes that sudanglo will change his mind and say "By George, you're both right, Interlingua IS a language after all!" That will never happen.
So let's let the thread drop and back away slowly, and get back to our regularly scheduled Esperanto programming.
If you guys want to continue discussing this, please take it to the Esperanto forums.
Yes, I know, ceigered, you aren't focussing on Esperanto right not, because of your studies of other languages. I mean this in a nice way but the fact that you don't want to do too much with Esperanto, so not to interfere with your other languages, it isn't an excuse for keeping off-topic threads in the English forum. Move it to an Esperanto forum, or take it to private messages.
dbiswinner (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-26 17:28:07
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-26 18:01:46
To take it a step further, if someone was studying Latin for the purpose of gaining a better understanding of English vocabulary, I would say that Interlingua would be a better choice, since you would be focussing mainly on vocabulary, and not on grammar (which is very complex in Interlingua)
If you wanted to learn grammar, I think Esperanto is the better choice, since its grammar is easier (I have heard) than Interlingua's.
Whole package, I think Esperanto is better bang for your buck because you can not only use it to "learn how to learn" languages, but you can also use it as a language in its own right, which is hard to do with Interlingua, since Interlingua is so small.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-marto-27 04:37:28
Ultimately though if you know Esperanto well enough, learning interlingua would be taking up more time, but otherwise learning interlingua as your first foreign language then the latinids after would be quite faster. Only no one has heard of interlingua if they havent heard of esperanto

Internationally though, which is more efficient is beyond me. Both are easy but have strange quirks by natlang standards (although i guess all natlangs have strange quirks by eo standards!)