Mesaĝoj: 15
Lingvo: English
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-05 08:16:38
Leke (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-06 17:41:25
Miland:On Youtube.

Joking aside, I find it difficult to absorb purely spoken Esperanto. Having the text there too, helps a lot. Nice find.
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-06 17:57:51
Leke:Having the text there too, helps a lot. Nice find.The original Gerda malaperis-DVD can also offer E-o subtitle. Btw. Gerda malaperis is a "movie wrapping" for a learning concept story. It makes no sense to compare it with popular movies listed i.e. at (subtiteled only, no finished E-o dubbing until now(?))
Here's another E-o/E-o example: Interview with TEJO-Volunteer: Manuela Ronco
yonosami (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-06 18:22:01
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-06 19:09:10
I just watched the video of Manuela. Her grammar is good but her pronunciation of R is very strange, almost a cross between French and German.
The internet tells me that she is from Turin, and apparently some (but not all, and not even most) people in that region speak with a "French R", so maybe that's it. Italians usually speak basically perfect Esperanto without even trying, but sometimes if they have a strong regional accent, it affects their Esperanto. I once met this Italian Esperantist who seemed to have a speech impediment. Then someone made an off-hand mention of a strong regional accent she has in Italian, so I figured that the seeming 'speech impediment' was just the influence of her accent on her Esperanto.
T0dd (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-06 19:30:25
Her akĉento is definitely influenced by the fact that she lives in Mexico and speaks Esperanto there with native Spanish speakers. But that's not a bad thing at all, and it helps her not to turn unstressed vowels into schwas, which is something most American (including me) must struggle with.
She's not a bad model of informal, spontaneous spoken Esperanto, in my opinion.
For an example of a Croatian speaking Esperanto...
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-06 19:36:13
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-07 09:40:05
Very nice video link anout the gnocchi Erinja. I think I might try that recipe. But I can't agree about the neutrality of the accent - definitely Italian but quite clear.
I seem to recall John Wells (retired prof of phonetics) telling me years ago that speakers of Serbo-Croat had the best accents in Esperanto.
The young girl (American) who lives in Mexico has a totally charming mannner of speech in Esperanto.
Hispanio (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-07 11:57:26
sudanglo:Very nice video link anout the gnocchi Erinja. I think I might try that recipe. But I can't agree about the neutrality of the accent - definitely Italian but quite clear.I think that if you respect the accents in Esperanto and you speak Esperanto very well, it doesn't matter if anyone notices your French, Italian, Spanish... intonation, isn't it?
Of course, neutrality is better, but we aren't machines

T0dd (Montri la profilon) 2011-aprilo-07 12:29:10
sudanglo:Amazing how she (Croatian link) reminds me of Prof Lapenna, Todd. Not just in speech rhythms but also facially.I never heard him speak, but since you mentioned him, I looked on YouTube and found[/quote]this video and others. His Esperanto is, of course, wonderfully clear. I know he had a reputation as an accomplished orator, and it's easy to see why.
I seem to recall John Wells (retired prof of phonetics) telling me years ago that speakers of Serbo-Croat had the best accents in Esperanto.One of my instructors at NASK, many years ago, was Nikola Rašić, from Zagreb. I had been speaking Esperanto for less than a year, and had limited experience with different accents, but I found his speech to be so clear that it the model that I tried to emulate.
The young girl (American) who lives in Mexico has a totally charming mannner of speech in Esperanto.She does. The telltale sign of the influence of Spanish is, as I hear it, a slightly more acute 'e' than that of Lapenna et al. I like it.