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Anyone use Livemocha?

di Fou, 17 aprile 2011

Messaggi: 11

Lingua: English

Fou (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 04:55:17

I've been looking for supplementary material and I stumbled upon this site. Is this site good? XD

razlem (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 05:07:10

Yes! It is really one of the best language resources available.

I haven't tried the Esperanto course, but the Russian and Chinese courses are top-notch. Plus you have the added bonus of communicating with native/fluent speakers.

Fou (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 05:27:13

I tried the site and I found the part where we can record our voices for others to grade interesting. Maybe we should add something similar to this site? XD

Chainy (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 05:52:43


Dominique (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 07:43:51

razlem:Yes! It is really one of the best language resources available.

I haven't tried the Esperanto course, but the Russian and Chinese courses are top-notch. Plus you have the added bonus of communicating with native/fluent speakers.
Mi provis la retejon antaŭ multaj monatoj, sed ne tiom ŝatis ĝin. Ĝi instruas ĉiujn lingvojn per la sama metodo, kiu sensencas miaopinie, ĉar ĉiu lingvo havas siajn proprajn malfacilaĵojn. Estis ekzemple Esperanta leciono pri la neregulaj verboj, kiu ridetigis min.

Chainy (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 07:55:29

Dominique:Mi provis la retejon antaŭ multaj monatoj, sed ne tiom ŝatis ĝin. Ĝi instruas ĉiujn lingvojn per la sama metodo, kiu sensencas miaopinie, ĉar ĉiu lingvo havas siajn proprajn malfacilaĵojn. Estis ekzemple Esperanta leciono pri la neregulaj verboj, kiu ridetigis min.
A translation of what Dominique said as it's funny:

I tried the website (livemocha) a few months ago, but I didn't really like it. It teaches all languages according to the same method, which is senseless in my opinion, because every language has its own difficult aspects. There was, for example, an Esperanto lesson about irregular verbs, which made me smile.

ceigered (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 08:02:16

Utilisez la langue anglaise seulement ici s'il vous plait lango.gif

Dominique:Mi provis la retejon antaŭ multaj monatoj, sed ne tiom ŝatis ĝin. Ĝi instruas ĉiujn lingvojn per la sama metodo, kiu sensencas miaopinie, ĉar ĉiu lingvo havas siajn proprajn malfacilaĵojn. Estis ekzemple Esperanta leciono pri la neregulaj verboj, kiu ridetigis min.
I tried the website many months before, but I no longer like it. It teaches all languages using the same method, which is nonsensical IMHO, because every language has its own difficulties. There was for example an Esperanto lesson about the 'irregular verbs', which made me smile

(I really just sped through with that translation, so forgive me if I got things wrong!)

While Livemocha has its inefficiencies, I did used to like it quite a lot but I haven't used it in AGES.

Livemocha however is good for teaching sentence patterns, and vocabulary. This is very useful, especially for people like me who completely ignore such things due to our grammatical minds.

Whether the Esperanto course at livemocha is up to scratch, I'm not sure, since I haven't touched it much.

If you're not in the mood, it can be a bit boring lango.gif

ceigered (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 08:04:33

Wow, me and chainy did the same thing minutes apart!

Chainy (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 08:14:21

I briefly tried LiveMocha, but it was completely ridiculous. Within minutes of registering, my mail box was getting inundated with requests from other livemocha users for me to correct their English exercises! It was like some crazy spam attack, the volume was so great! ridulo.gif

And the strange thing was that the requests were coming from all sorts of random locations all around the world - I hadn't even registered to learn their languages!

Ok, so I can help out a few people, but surely there should be some mechanism in the system to make it a fair exchange. I would have expected maybe one or two requests for help at the beginning, and then the more I use the system for my own learning, the more I am expected to help others. But, I was so overwhelmed with all the requests for help that it just got on my nerves and I turned my account off!

Maybe there's a way to fix this in the settings, but there was definitely something rather amiss with the default settings!

Dominique (Mostra il profilo) 17 aprile 2011 08:15:03

Dominique:Mi provis la retejon antaŭ multaj monatoj, sed ne tiom ŝatis ĝin. Ĝi instruas ĉiujn lingvojn per la sama metodo, kiu sensencas miaopinie, ĉar ĉiu lingvo havas siajn proprajn malfacilaĵojn. Estis ekzemple Esperanta leciono pri la neregulaj verboj, kiu ridetigis min.
A translation of what Dominique said as it's funny:

I tried the website (livemocha) a few months ago, but I didn't really like it. It teaches all languages according to the same method, which is senseless in my opinion, because every language has its own difficult aspects. There was, for example, an Esperanto lesson about irregular verbs, which made me smile.
Thanks for translating my message and my apologies: I either forgot that this was the English forum, or I forgot that I was writing in Esperanto. Either way, it's now translated. Cheers.

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