Postitused: 14
Keel: English
virololo (Näita profiili) 25. aprill 2011 23:33.57
ceigered:Basically if we're just talking about something with no gas/liquid/solid in it, we call it a vacuum.By the way, if you believe in quantum fluctuations, it takes you back to the Aristotelian horror vacui - nature abhors a vacuum.
targanook (Näita profiili) 27. aprill 2011 11:43.10
sudanglo:In popular parlance radio waves still travel through the ether.There is no such thing as a void. The space is a quantum field, full of particles, fluctuations, gravity and so on. Even better - up till now no one realy knows what the space is.
Ethereal though in modern English means light/airy/delicate/insubstantial/heavenly.
virololo (Näita profiili) 27. aprill 2011 14:12.11
targanook:I was much less bold and avoided making such definite statements. There's still a lot of work to do before we can say that we can KNOW any of this.sudanglo:In popular parlance radio waves still travel through the ether.There is no such thing as a void. The space is a quantum field, full of particles, fluctuations, gravity and so on. Even better - up till now no one realy knows what the space is.
Ethereal though in modern English means light/airy/delicate/insubstantial/heavenly.
Okay, so, regardless of what the aether actually is, I know that etera means ethereal.
Lom (Näita profiili) 28. aprill 2011 11:36.44
henma:If you are refering to the Michelson–Morley experiment (1887 (interesting date for Esperanto!
To explain this, the physicists created the theory of ether. Ether is, according to this theory, everywhere.
This theory could never be demonstrated, and now there are other explanations for the traveling of such waves. But, trying to prove this theory, physicist obtained several other interesting results (for instance, one of those experiments resulted in the first measure of the speed of light).

The first measure of the speed of light was way before that in 1676 by Rømer (according to Wikipedia).
The Michelson–Morley experiment is however very famous for validating the constancy of the speed of light (even though it didn't prove it), postulated by Einstein.
Se vi referas al la eksperimento de Michelson kaj Morley (1887 (interesa dato por Esperanto!

La unua mezuro de la lumrapido estis longe antaux tio en 1676 de Rømer (laux Vikipedio).
La eksperimento de Michelson kaj Morley estas tamen tre konata por validigi la konstanteco de la lumrapido (ecx se gxi ne provis gxin), postulata de Einstein.