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Help with translation

viết bởi Leke, Ngày 04 tháng 5 năm 2011

Tin nhắn: 11

Nội dung: English

ceigered (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 12:23:39 Ngày 05 tháng 5 năm 2011

It seems to me that your idea is either that of our importance
Yes, it's more like importance, but in this case I'm reflecting on my importance in the Universe or more like the lack of it -- Thinking with an atheist's perspective.
So "remember how small you are in the scheme of things", or better, making someone look at the earth compared to the size of the sun, then the sun to the galaxy, then the galaxy to the cluster, then the cluster to the known universe? lango.gif

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