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It's English but not as we know it, Jim

از sudanglo, 5 مهٔ 2011

پست‌ها: 167

زبان: English

qwertz (نمایش مشخصات) 13 مهٔ 2011،‏ 12:04:55

Do, hhm, I got your point, even if I wouldn't call a very personally made statement started with "I etc." a wrong one. I assume, taking care of "philosophical" or strategic discussions not bashing out consumes a lot of personal energy for administration folks. So okay, some kind of education Revenu al la radikoj of lernu.net webpage. okulumo.gif

erinja (نمایش مشخصات) 13 مهٔ 2011،‏ 12:52:22

qwertz:"1. Don't continually write about something that doesn't relate at all to the topic."
The topic of this thread is the future of international English.

If you feel a strong need to argue (again) over Finvenkism vs. Raumism, I encourage you to choose one of these options:
(a) take it to private messages because very few people here are interested in seeing the same statements made by the same people, AGAIN.
(b) open a thread of this topic in the Esperanto forums

In fact this entire thread is off-topic, considering that this is an Esperanto-learning website. But since there are some relevant comments in it regarding Esperanto (the topic of this website) I'm not going to delete it.

If only a couple of people are actively participating in your discussion, it is probably best discussed by private message. This is a way that you can be polite to your fellow forum-readers.

qwertz (نمایش مشخصات) 13 مهٔ 2011،‏ 13:02:32

Okay. rideto.gif

paulopolo (نمایش مشخصات) 13 مهٔ 2011،‏ 13:12:16

qwertz:"1. Don't continually write about something that doesn't relate at all to the topic."
The topic of this thread is the future of international English.

If you feel a strong need to argue (again) over Finvenkism vs. Raumism, I encourage you to choose one of these options:
(a) take it to private messages because very few people here are interested in seeing the same statements made by the same people, AGAIN.
(b) open a thread of this topic in the Esperanto forums

In fact this entire thread is off-topic, considering that this is an Esperanto-learning website. But since there are some relevant comments in it regarding Esperanto (the topic of this website) I'm not going to delete it.

If only a couple of people are actively participating in your discussion, it is probably best discussed by private message. This is a way that you can be polite to your fellow forum-readers.
I don't agree at all, but ok.malgajo.gif

geo63 (نمایش مشخصات) 13 مهٔ 2011،‏ 14:30:15

qwertz:"1. Don't continually write about something that doesn't relate at all to the topic."
The topic of this thread is the future of international English.

If you feel a strong need to argue (again) over Finvenkism vs. Raumism, I encourage you to choose one of these options:
(a) take it to private messages because very few people here are interested in seeing the same statements made by the same people, AGAIN.
(b) open a thread of this topic in the Esperanto forums

In fact this entire thread is off-topic, considering that this is an Esperanto-learning website. But since there are some relevant comments in it regarding Esperanto (the topic of this website) I'm not going to delete it.

If only a couple of people are actively participating in your discussion, it is probably best discussed by private message. This is a way that you can be polite to your fellow forum-readers.
I don't agree at all, but ok.malgajo.gif
Each of you is right. No, that can't be!!!. This is also right. I'm out.

henma (نمایش مشخصات) 13 مهٔ 2011،‏ 20:41:34

geo63:Each of you is right. No, that can't be!!!. This is also right. I'm out.
Mmmh... you're wrong about that... Two people CAN be right at the same time, even when saying different things. This is not boolean logic, and opinions are not always one the complete opposite of the other.

The same can be said about the future of the lingua franca, maybe there is another possible scenario:

English will evolve as stated before to an international "Globish", but the world will become aware of the advantages of Esperanto, most people will learn BOTH languages (but not with the goal to become fluent in both). So people will be fluent in one of the international languages, and will be able to understand the other one.

I have seen that in somebody's page as an interesting future development with two international languages and a community able to understand each other, but not necessarily speaking both languages.

(I cannot think in such scenario without remembering Han Solo and Chewbaca... sorry, but that was their (fictional) situation ;-D)



ceigered (نمایش مشخصات) 14 مهٔ 2011،‏ 1:14:13

henma:English will evolve as stated before to an international "Globish", but the world will become aware of the advantages of Esperanto, most people will learn BOTH languages (but not with the goal to become fluent in both). So people will be fluent in one of the international languages, and will be able to understand the other one.
So a smorgasbord of IALs, with people understanding eachother the hard yet best way (without having a reason to okulumo.gif), with languages only helping, not doing the brunt of the work?

geo63:Each of you is right. No, that can't be!!!. This is also right. I'm out.
I was thinking of "Ĉiu havas rajton pravi", but it doesn't sound as silly as "Everyone has the right to be right" rido.gif.

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