
Model Railroading Term 'Scratch Build'

글쓴이: NJ Esperantist, 2011년 5월 13일

글: 14

언어: English

NJ Esperantist (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 13일 오전 10:35:30

Following in our success with kitbash, I thought I'd tempt fate by seeing what we could come up with for a term in Esperanto for the English language model railroading term 'Scratch Build'.

Scratch building is basically when you create a model from sheets of plastic, wire, wood and detail parts instead of buying and assembling a kit. It's one of the best ways to make those structures and many times train cars which are not available commercially.

An English language wikipedia article describing scratch building is available .here.

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erinja (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 13일 오전 10:49:10

I'd do it as a combination of the roots de/nul/ and konstru/. So the verb form would be "konstrui denule" or "denule konstrui"

(denulo = from nothing)

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 13일 오전 11:56:55

Denulfari, for brevity?

The only problem I can see is that there is indeed something, and it's more, well, building from scratch. Perhaps "sengvid(e )(fari/konstrui)" could work, but that might imply that the person has to build something only without instructions, not having to make things from scratch.

NJ Esperantist (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 14일 오후 1:08:44

erinja:I'd do it as a combination of the roots de/nul/ and konstru/. So the verb form would be "konstrui denule" or "denule konstrui"

(denulo = from nothing)
'denule konstrui' sounds pretty good.

sudanglo (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 15일 오전 10:53:09

Strictly, as Erinaja points out, 'denule konstrui' means to build from nothing.

But the situation is that one builds the models from 'krudaj materialoj'.

Ĉu vi ensemblis la modelon de kompleto?

Ne, mi kunmetis(fasonis) el krudaj materialoj, escepte de kelkaj partoj kiujn mi pruntis de komerca kompleto.

erinja (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 15일 오전 11:32:26

It's a metaphorical nothing, of course. I think the listener would understand that we are not weaving air into train components.

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 15일 오후 12:30:41

Could "krud(aĵ)-fari" (or elkrudaĵe konstrui) work? (el being replaced by de if necessary)

erinja (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 15일 오후 4:41:12

Unless I was actually forging my own steel to make metal components, I wouldn't say that I made it from "krudaĵoj" (kruda = as nature produced it; maintaining a primitive state; not worked on, prepared, or cultivated)

RKKlokovo (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 15일 오후 5:14:28

Is there already an idiom in culinary jargon for "cooking from scratch"? That would be the same thing.

Having dabbled in the black arts myself, my intuitive feeling is that a metaphorical forging-from-raw-materials is closer to the mark than an ex nihilo metaphor. But the de nule concept was the first that popped into my head, too.

erinja (프로필 보기) 2011년 5월 15일 오후 5:43:37

We do say "denulo" or "de nulo" with reference to a couple of things. Learning something "de nulo" is a common turn of phrase, especially with language learning. To write a text or create a computer program "de nulo" is common as well.

I see this model train building like the computer program. Writing a computer program "de nulo" doesn't mean that you're programming using ones and zeroes. You're using a compiler and an existing computer language ("components", if you will, that someone has already created) to write a new computer program. To me, this is not so different from taking model train components that have been commercially produced in order to build a new model train.

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