
Linguists and esperanto

de Altebrilas, 24 de mayo de 2011

Aportes: 216

Idioma: English

geo63 (Mostrar perfil) 23 de junio de 2011 21:31:46

hermeso:The matter is not the 10 000 words or 1000 words. The matter is the uze of the words. it is very, (1)in english, we have got to learn words think and thought, in esperanto, pensi and pensa, in english, this are plurals complicated, in esperanto, plural by "j" in every word. (2) But for tomat, salad, tin, ..., it is in esperanto, tomato, salado, stano. Like this in inglish and in esperanto, we learn the same many word.

In the case (1) 10 000 english words is 1000 esperanto words. In the case 2, 1 000 000 english words is 1 000 000 esperanto words. The addition 1+2 is 1 010 000 english words, and 1 001 000 esperanto words. The addition is almost same

Of course, we dont learn 1 000 000 words in the life, but the matter is same
I totally disagree with your math. Esperanto never needed 1.000.000 seperate words, since they are created from roots. So I don't need to remember them all, only roots and the compound words that are commonly used. The rest I can create on the fly when needed. This frees my memory a lot.

crankshaft = kranko + ŝafto = krankŝafto/krankoŝafto (Polish "wał korbowy").
pewter is some alloy, I am not a specialist in this field (in Polish we have "cynołów" - stanoplumbo)

Altebrilas (Mostrar perfil) 23 de junio de 2011 21:36:33

- To get fluent in the language you don't need to learn the whole available vocabulary. You need only some 30.000 words to be at an average level rideto.gif
At the rate of 10 words per hour, it will take 3000 hours to reach that level.

geo63 (Mostrar perfil) 23 de junio de 2011 21:48:25

- To get fluent in the language you don't need to learn the whole available vocabulary. You need only some 30.000 words to be at an average level rideto.gif
At the rate of 10 words per hour, it will take 3000 hours to reach that level.
Even more than that. It is estimated that a high school graduate knows about 30.000 words. How many hours did such a person spend on practising the language:

10 hours a day
365 days in a year
15 years of conscious using the language

10 x 365 x 15 = 54.750 hours

And this is just a teenager. If we take into account someone more experienced, then the amount of language usage goes into hundreds of thousands of hours of reading, speaking ang listening to the language. No foreigner can ever match to that.

ceigered (Mostrar perfil) 24 de junio de 2011 08:23:06

geo63:No foreigner can ever match to that.
I doubt natives would have an easy time doing that either, which is why dictionaries, synonyms, rephrasing, learning difficulties, stuttering and gratuitous use of the word "like" like a valleygirl exist as concepts no doubt rido.gif

Like totally

hermeso (Mostrar perfil) 24 de junio de 2011 08:40:00

"I totally disagree with your math. Esperanto never needed 1.000.000 seperate words, since they are created from roots."

esperanto is not used in every speciality. Are there esperanto words about structures of english or french or german castles? Are there every word about animals, virus, bactéria, dinosaur, ... ? in these speciality, exist million roots and no words, in esperanto, this is sama

"So I don't need to remember them all, only roots and the compound words that are commonly used. The rest I can create on the fly when needed. This frees my memory a lot."

In english, and french Triceratops is face with three horn ( from ancient greek) , in esperanto, one says Triceratopo

sudanglo (Mostrar perfil) 24 de junio de 2011 10:02:47

Having in mind the recent lengthy discussions on the desirability of bilingual posting in the English forum, I would be grateful if some of the non-native speakers of English could supply translations (into Esperanto) of some of their postings as I am having difficulty in following their English.

Mi diras tion kun la plej amikaj sentimentoj kaj tre konscia pri la malfacileco de la angla por ne-anglalingvanoj - do tute ne malestime pri iliaj klopodoj.

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