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Had a funny idea browsing free books on kindle...EO phrasebook.

od philodice, 25. maj 2011

Sporočila: 6

Jezik: English

philodice (Prikaži profil) 25. maj 2011 00:14:05

I'm thinking about writing a whimsical English - Esperanto phrasebook for the amazon.com kindle store.
It will be listed at no charge because all the information in it is public license, this is just for fun because currently there is no 'phrasebook' as such for Kindle.

I need suggestions for phrases that relate to computers, laptops, websites, Kindles,

ipads/ipods/mp3 players. I'm also looking for phrases about cellphones and wi-fi.

Where can I connect wirelessly?
Kie mi povas konektas senkable?
I lost my laptop.
Mi perdis mian porteblan komputilon.
I prefer Linux.
Mi preferas Linuxon.
Possible: Where can I charge the battery in my...(laptop, phone, music player).
My ___ is broken. Where can I buy a new one?
I follow several excellent travel blogs.
Click on the link below.
What do you read on your Kindle?

Other subjects I would love input on include; I won't eat that, EO Texting Abbreviations and their meanings, and "Funny sentences heard at a conference".
Any suggestion welcome.

ceigered (Prikaži profil) 25. maj 2011 09:15:11

I'm using the Lernu! dictionary here, so I don't know if that will be problematic, but so far I've got:

Wireless = sendrata (Kie mi povas konekti sendrate).

Note though that according to it, Kablo is really just a group of dratoj, so you could say "senkable" I guess. It depends what is more popular (I reckon sendrate would be a good catch all, since "dratoj" includes "kabloj" anyway, but "without cables" is technically understandable in English too despite "wireless" existing).

The laptop losing and linux preference ones look A-OK.

"Where can I charge the battery in my (blah)"
Kie mian (P.K., poŝtelefonon, ktp) mi povas ŝargi?

"My _ is broke. Where can I fix me it up?"
Mia _ estas rompita (stressing the breaking)/difekta (not sure what's wrong with it, it's just not working). Kie mi povas ripari ĝin/riparigi ĝin?
:: I'm thinking "riparigi" as in "Where can I have it become fixed", and I'm guessing "ripariĝigi" is stupid.

"Click on the link below"
Alklaku la ligilon sube.

sudanglo (Prikaži profil) 25. maj 2011 10:26:07

Yes Ceiger. There are two verbs in Esperanto with similar forms - ŝargi and ŝarĝi.

Oni ŝargas akumulatoron, sed ŝarĝas ĉevalon.

'Riparigi' is good for get something fixed, as is 'sendrate' for wirelessly.

For 'broken' there are various options, ne plu funkcias, rompita, difekta, kaputa.

Cellphone (mobile in British English) is poŝtelefono.

For click on I think the most common is 'alklaki' but I have also seen 'musklaki'.

Philodice, there are Esperanto vocabularies of computer and technology terms on the net. I don't have the links to hand, but I expect someone else can post for you.

Miland (Prikaži profil) 25. maj 2011 14:21:42

philodice:Where can I connect wirelessly?
Kie mi povas konektas senkable?
I lost my laptop.
Mi perdis mian porteblan komputilon.
I prefer Linŭ.
Mi preferas Linŭon.
Possible: Where can I charge the battery in my...(laptop, phone, music player).
My ___ is broken. Where can I buy a new one?.
Here's some more suggestions for the phrases you mentioned. Yours are mostly all right, though I would use konektiĝi and Linukso:

Kie troviĝas sendrata (interreta) konektilo?
Kie mi konektiĝu sendrate?
Mi perdis mian tek-komputilon.
Mi preferas Linukson.
Kie mi ŝargu baterion por mia (tek-komputilo, (poŝ)telefono, muzikludilo)?
Mia X paneis. Kie mi aĉetu novan?

NJ Esperantist (Prikaži profil) 25. maj 2011 17:48:37

philodice:(snip) EO Texting Abbreviations and their meanings
Any suggestion welcome.
I do not know from experience how reliable this article is, but it does have Esperanto texting abbreviations.

philodice (Prikaži profil) 25. maj 2011 23:34:54

NJ Esperantist:
philodice:(snip) EO Texting Abbreviations and their meanings
Any suggestion welcome.
I do not know from experience how reliable this article is, but it does have Esperanto texting abbreviations.
That looks fun.
Of course, it is missing the EO version of LOL...
The reason there are few books available on kindle in EO, of course, is the fact that even some of the books "made" for the kindle that currently are available for free (old classics) do not display the characters AT ALL.
I will be using x convention because I haven't been able to figure out how it is done correctly.
"Esperanto self taught with phonetic punctuation" and "International Language past, present, and future".

A complete grammar of Esperanto,
The international Auxillary Language,
and The Esperanto Teacher are all perfect.

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