
Newsites in Esperanto

od stewle, 26 maja 2011

Wpisy: 4

Język: English

stewle (Pokaż profil) 26 maja 2011, 11:37:17


I have just started learning Esperanto and was looking for some online newsites that report in Esperanto. I have seen a few mentions of Gxangalo and Eventeo.net, however, these no longer seem to be in operation.

I can use the Apertium "surf and translate" engine to translate various sites into Esperanto, but I would prefer a site without the need for machine translation.

Could you please tell me what Esperanto newsites you read?

Many thanks,

darkweasel (Pokaż profil) 26 maja 2011, 12:24:16

There is an Esperanto version of Wikinews.

ceigered (Pokaż profil) 26 maja 2011, 12:32:21

Eventeo doesn't seem to work when I type in the home page, but child pages do work like this one about Icelandic volcanos (see the date)

Chainy (Pokaż profil) 26 maja 2011, 14:25:27

I subscribe to the RSS of Le Monde Diplomatique in Esperanto. These are translations of the articles appearing in the French version - the standard of Esperanto is very good (no machine translations!!).

The articles are general reviews of political topics from around the world - there are usually a few articles published every week.

Le Monde Diplomatique en Esperanto

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