Mensagens: 13
Idioma: English
discouke (Mostrar o perfil) 1 de junho de 2011 02:32:27
I'm working on translating Pixar's addition to the "It Gets Better" project, using Universal Subtitles (which, if you haven't checked it out, it's really awesome).
In case you don't know, It Gets Better is an internet project that was born out of the epidemic of suicides among gay youth. People have been creating videos in order to tell these teenagers that, even though being a gay teenager is incredibly difficult, it gets better, and they have a great future to look forward to.
Pixar, the animation studio that created Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E, and many other popular movies, created a video as part of this project, and it's been very popular in the U.S. So, I really want to translate it into Esperanto so that other people in the international community can see it (and, maybe, someone who needs to see it).
So, anyways, why am I posting this on the English board? I'm translating the video here, based on the English subtitles (and the video itself is in English).
If you want to help, just follow the link above, and click the "Edit Subtitles" button. Then, you can alter the subtitles in the boxes on the next page; it's sort of like a Wiki- anyone can add or change the subtitles (but I believe you need to register to save your changes). You don't need to worry about altering the timing or anything, just translate each line in the boxes below.
(Note: There's a very brief image of text in the video that we won't be able to translate without throwing off the rest of the subtitles)
I've gotten about halfway through the video already, but my Esperanto isn't the greatest, so feel free to fix it up if I've written something incorrectly.
If you want to help out, I would really, deeply appreciate it!

erinja (Mostrar o perfil) 1 de junho de 2011 06:44:51
Therefore I'd translate the title as simply "Pliboniĝas".
If you use "ĝi" it implies that you have a specific thing in mind that gets better; by using "pliboniĝas" all alone, you are saying that things in general get better, not just one specific thing.
discouke (Mostrar o perfil) 1 de junho de 2011 07:18:49

Chainy (Mostrar o perfil) 1 de junho de 2011 07:56:20
oxymor (Mostrar o perfil) 1 de junho de 2011 08:27:52

Altebrilas (Mostrar o perfil) 1 de junho de 2011 15:07:48
Atentu, ke la anglaj paroloj korespondas al la eo-teksto (foje ili estas forsxovitaj).
Mi opinias, ke oni devas simpligi la tekston, cxar la spektantoj disponas pri malmulte da tempo por legi, prefere ol fari lauxlitera traduko.
Jen ekzemplo, por la komenco:
Saluton, mi estas Darla, produktistino en Pixar Animation Studioj. Kiel Vi scias, Pixar estas freneza teamo de homoj. Jen frenezaj scientistoj, dancistoj, animistoj, kaj ĉiaj originaluloj. La plimulto de tiuj unikuloj ne estis tre popularaj en mezlernejo. Ili simple ne estis tia, verdire. Felicxe, ni trovis ilin kaj kreis ĉi tiun familiaran tribon, tiun mirindan teamon, kiu faras magion per filmoj. Tial do, pro nia sukceso, ni volas disdoni al ĉiuj mesaĝon de espero. Juna, mi sciis, ke mi estis tre malsama. Mi estis "Vir-knabino" kaj ŝatis ludi kun knaboj knabajn ludojn....
henma (Mostrar o perfil) 1 de junho de 2011 18:56:39
Altebrilas:Vi faris bonan laboron.Tre bona laboro! - Great work!
(You did a good work)
Atentu, ke la anglaj paroloj korespondas al la eo-teksto (foje ili estas forŝovitaj).
(Pay attention, in order to make the text in Esperanto to match what the English audio (it's out of sync in some places))
Mi opinias, ke oni devas simpligi la tekston, ĉar la spektantoj disponas pri malmulte da tempo por legi, prefere ol fari laŭlitera traduko.
(I think that the text has to be simplified, because people don't have much time to read. That's more important than having a literal translation)
Jen ekzemplo, por la komenco:
(A translation of the begining, as an exampleSaluton, mi estas Darla, produktistino en Pixar Animation Studioj. Kiel Vi scias, Pixar estas freneza teamo de homoj. Jen frenezaj scientistoj, dancistoj, animistoj, kaj ĉiaj originaluloj. La plimulto de tiuj unikuloj ne estis tre popularaj en mezlernejo. Ili simple ne estis tia, verdire. Feliĉe, ni trovis ilin kaj kreis ĉi tiun familiaran tribon, tiun mirindan teamon, kiu faras magion per filmoj. Tial do, pro nia sukceso, ni volas disdoni al ĉiuj mesaĝon de espero. Juna, mi sciis, ke mi estis tre malsama. Mi estis "Vir-knabino" kaj ŝatis ludi kun knaboj knabajn ludojn....
Good translation, Altebrilas, I would only change two parts:
- Feliĉe, ni trovis unu la aliajn... aŭ ni trovis nin
(She doesn't say 'we found them', she says 'we met each other').
- ... kaj ŝatis ludi knabajn ludojn kun knaboj
(I would move the object closer to the verb, and separate 'knaboj' and 'knabajn')
(ED: translated to English, as this is the English forum - I also added an English translation to Altabrilas' message)
discouke (Mostrar o perfil) 1 de junho de 2011 19:04:52
The subtitles are about 50% translated, so hopefully they'll be finished soon!
Does anyone know (and I kinda hate to ask this) how to translate slurs for gay men and lesbians? There are a couple in video, but I'm not sure how to translate them accurately.
erinja (Mostrar o perfil) 2 de junho de 2011 06:40:34
Translation of slurs is an interesting question. I think that some of the very graphic slurs would translate pretty easily, but we're not really talking about those.
Therefore I would not even try to translate it accurately, because if you're too accurate, many viewers are likely to misunderstand. For example it would be easy to translate "friend of Dorothy" into Esperanto, but someone who doesn't speak English isn't likely to have the cultural context to know what that is.
For your translation, you'd need something that makes sense worldwide. The easiest choice would be to go with something very literal - taking one of the many neutral Esperanto words for gay or lesbian (samseksemulo, gejo, lesbo, etc), which you can find easily online, and using the Esperanto pejorative prefix fi- or the pejorative suffix -aĉ-.
Alternately, maybe something mixing male and female forms would work. "knabinĉjo", "knabnjo" (hard to pronounce, that second one). Or calling a boy or a man a "little girl" (knabineto) surely is not complementary.
henma (Mostrar o perfil) 2 de junho de 2011 12:57:18
erinja:English in the English forum, please.Oh, sorry, Erinja... As I was answering to a post in Esperanto, I didn't notice and started writing in Esperanto... You know, I didn't switch to the right language for the forum. I will edit my message to add a translation