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Just won round trip tickets to Cali

de ki4jgt, 2011-junio-06

Mesaĝoj: 41

Lingvo: English

ki4jgt (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 02:44:03

Just won round trip tickets to california. Have no job. The tickets are non transferable. Have no money. Have to be used during Nov 26 - December 26. Have any ideas?

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 04:58:10

ki4jgt:Just won round trip tickets to california. Have no job. The tickets are non transferable. Have no money. Have to be used during Nov 26 - December 26. Have any ideas?
Ho, gratulojn! But a dilemma that is...

Do you know anyone living there? Perhaps you could stay with them for a bit. I don't know anything about California (NCIS LA? lango.gif) though or the US so other than that there's my suggestions out of the way!

It's around Christmas though so maybe give them as a present to an interested party you want to be in the good books with.

ki4jgt (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 05:27:53

ki4jgt:Just won round trip tickets to california. Have no job. The tickets are non transferable. Have no money. Have to be used during Nov 26 - December 26. Have any ideas?
Ho, gratulojn! But a dilemma that is...

Do you know anyone living there? Perhaps you could stay with them for a bit. I don't know anything about California (NCIS LA? lango.gif) though or the US so other than that there's my suggestions out of the way!

It's around Christmas though so maybe give them as a present to an interested party you want to be in the good books with.
Thanks ridulo.gif They're non transferable. So that idea is shot. But, no, I have no family there at all malgajo.gif

geo63 (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 05:51:05

ki4jgt:Just won round trip tickets to california. Have no job. The tickets are non transferable. Have no money. Have to be used during Nov 26 - December 26. Have any ideas?
California is a bit too far away for me, but I can imagine travelling there would be fun.
As for the job and money - you are in America, is it that bad there? In Poland I earn half or 1/3 of money I would earn in America for the same job and I have to live for that. sal.gif rido.gif

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 06:19:58

geo63, life is much more expensive in the US than in Poland. Our salaries are much higher than yours but it doesn't mean that we are all living like rich people.

Can these tickets take you anywhere in California? Why not contact some Esperanto speakers and see if you can visit them? (This is a common thing to ask) This would be a perfect time to do it. You can use the months before November to work on your Esperanto. California has a pretty good number of Esperanto speakers, especially around San Francisco.

geo63 (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 06:27:32

erinja:geo63, life is much more expensive in the US than in Poland. Our salaries are much higher than yours but it doesn't mean that we are all living like rich people.
Erinja, did I really mean that? I only noticed that in America there are more job posibilities than in Poland. That's all. And if you look closer at our prices you may notice no big difference.

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 08:02:16

I have been to Poland and things seemed very cheap to me. Eastern Europe is considered a "budget" destination for Americans.

I don't know about job possibilities in America versus Poland. But by mentioning this, you seem to be implying that ki4jgt could get a job if he wanted one. Or else, that he could be living more cheaply (just because you make 1/2 the salary and you have a good life in Poland)

I find this insulting. For some people it is easy to get a job, for some people it is difficult. It depends on your skills, your age, your education, and the region where you live.

If you haven't lived in the US, you have no idea what things cost, and you have no idea how hard it is to get a job. So maybe you could spare ki4jgt your "helpful" comments about life in Poland, and have a little compassion for a person without a job. Not every American is rich and jobs don't grow on trees.

ki4jgt (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 08:09:56

OK, guys. . . please don't fight over me. I actually can get a job, but the company hiring me is unreliable (handyman job with about 100 other people in the same company) They're trying to employ all these people and it's not easy. But anyway, what about this staying with other Esperanto speakers? How does it work?

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 08:18:46

I think the political discussion can be summarised that Poles have less money ergo essentials are cheaper for them, and that Americans have more money ergo essentials are more expensive for them, and the big difference is the price of luxuries okulumo.gif (however travel is expensive for both I believe, and luxuries in the west are slowly climbing in price, thus the west'll probably end up as rich countries with lots of poor people anyway if clever social engineering isn't put in place while the iron's hot)

Ergo, all humanity's in the bucket. Marx would be ashamed okulumo.gif

As for Ki4jgt, I apologise, I didn't realise that's what you mean by "non-transferable" (whatever meanings there are for that, I have no clue rido.gif). That's sort of silly too. Probably saves them money if you can't go.

The other option is other than the Esperantist-staying-idea, maybe you could just go there for a day or two and check things out and then go straight back if you want to use them. Don't know why, but perhaps an option. But since december's ages away, another option is that you could try and save up in the meantime and organise with friends something, but no doubt hard.

I know, I'm not being very helpful and I'm not even caring for Esperanto's involvement in this issue much rido.gif. But I can understand the dilemma of having opportunities but no money to augment them!



geo63 (Montri la profilon) 2011-junio-06 10:12:06

erinja:I don't know about job possibilities in America versus Poland. But by mentioning this, you seem to be implying that ki4jgt could get a job if he wanted one. Or else, that he could be living more cheaply (just because you make 1/2 the salary and you have a good life in Poland)

I find this insulting. For some people it is easy to get a job, for some people it is difficult. It depends on your skills, your age, your education, and the region where you live.
Will you cut if off. Again this implying what I intended to say. You don't know that - it is your imagination. I think you must be very frustatrated person to find attacks in every my word. I think I stop writing here. That is the best solution. Have a nice day (this is not an ironic atack on your day!!!)

PS: In your post replace "Unated States" with "Poland", and you'll have my answer. Your post is also insulting for me. But mine was not intended to insult anyone, that is the difference.

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