Postitused: 105
Keel: English
erinja (Näita profiili) 24. juuni 2011 22:25.47
BlackOtaku (Näita profiili) 25. juuni 2011 2:42.01
erinja:I think Chainy is waiting for sudanglo to provide the translations, since sudanglo supports the use of Esperanto in the English forums.Do, ni povas paroli Esperante nun?

Nu, mi pensas, ke sudanglo havas pli bonajn aferojn fari ol akomodi Chainy-on, kiu parolas la anglalingvon perfekte bone. (Tiel, li ne estas kiun regulŝanĝo advantaĝigus.)

*So, we can speak Esperanto now?

Well, I think that sudanglo has better things to do than to accommodate Chainy, who speaks English perfectly fine. (Thus, he isn't the person such a rule change would benefit.)

On the issue at hand though, I honestly take no side; both sides have good points and I'm really not active enough on any of these forums to make much of a comment. Though I will say, as a beginner that I understood Chainy's posts fine.
erinja (Näita profiili) 25. juuni 2011 6:58.26
In any event, it is still prohibited to write in Esperanto only in the English forums, so I'll make my usual statement:
Since this is the English forum, though you may post in any language, all posts should be accompanied by an English translation. Chainy should please write an English translation to accompany his posts, or if he is unable to do so, another person on the forum should help him out by providing a translation.
Technically wrong-language posts may be deleted from the forum since they violate the forum rules. However we prefer to give someone a chance to edit their posts rather than risk deletion.
Altebrilas (Näita profiili) 25. juuni 2011 7:26.07
Chainy:Good Idea!
Estas ja prave, ke komprenado pli facilas ol aktiva praktikado de lingvo. Sed, se iu havas malfacilaĵojn, kial ne skribi en Esperanto...en la Esperantlingvaj forumoj?!
See you tuj!

geo63 (Näita profiili) 25. juuni 2011 7:49.07
To Chainy: my command of English may be not good enough, but it does not mean that I am stupid.
sudanglo (Näita profiili) 25. juuni 2011 11:25.52
I am simply reacting with a certain degree of sympathy to comments I have seen, in combination with certain common-sense considerations.
Obviously, I wouldn't support the granting of permission to those who can write perfectly well in both languages to start posting in here in Esperanto.
BlackOtaku (Näita profiili) 25. juuni 2011 12:05.06
erinja:I'm not sure I'd call you a beginner anymore, BlackOtaku. I'd call you "intermediate" perhaps, based on what you've just written there!Heh, thanks, I try, still have a ways to go though!

In any event, it is still prohibited to write in Esperanto only in the English forums, so I'll make my usual statement:Updated my post so as to be in compliance.
Since this is the English forum, though you may post in any language, all posts should be accompanied by an English translation. Chainy should please write an English translation to accompany his posts, or if he is unable to do so, another person on the forum should help him out by providing a translation.So if I'm understanding the issue correctly, the main issue is that those who may have something to contribute might not have a sufficient command of English, and thus may only be able to post in Esperanto. Sudanglo has said he'd be willing to help translate in such a case. And according to you, if I'm understanding you correctly Erinja, that would be fine.
So is the issue simply the extent to which this behavior case is tolerated, has there been some measure of miscommunication here, or am I mistaken about/missing something?
ceigered (Näita profiili) 25. juuni 2011 16:19.54
erinja:I'm not sure I'd call you a beginner anymore, BlackOtaku. I'd call you "intermediate" perhaps, based on what you've just written there!Mi samopinias. Fakte, mi kredas, BlackOtaku, ke vi skribas Esperante pli bone ol mi, kaj, ĉar mi pensas pri min mem kiel mezlernanta esperantisto, mi ja nomus vin simile!
Sed mia parolata Esperanto estas, err, maleleganta...
I agree. In fact, I reckon, BlackOtaku, that you write in Esperanto better than me, and, since I think of myself as an intermediate-learning Esperantist, I'd say the same of you.
Byt my spoken EO is, well, inelegant.
I like this whole bilingual stuff. Sorta fun.
I would say more, but I'm stuck

ceigered (Näita profiili) 25. juuni 2011 16:36.33
Chainy:Kial tiuj 'interesaj' homoj ne provas pli skribi en Esperanto? - precipe kiam multaj el ili ja kapablas, kaj la aliaj ja bezonus la praktikadon!!Ĉar jam priparolataj aferoj en aliaj fadenoj, en tiu ĉi forumo?
Eble ankaŭ ĉar la Esperantaj forumoj havas multajn fadenojn pri dezirataj kataluniaj revolucioj, kaj fanatikaj fadenoj pri "liberigu Katalunion/Tibeton/XYZlandon! XYZLando estas malbona!" ktp.
Finfine, kelkaj uloj volos paroli pri la teda temo de gramatiko, pli ol aliaj aĵoj, kaj en la nacilingvaj forumoj, tio estas facila, ĉar estas 3a persona vidpunkto...
Because of already discussed affairs in other threads, in this here forum?
Also maybe because the Esperanto forums have many threads about wanted catalonian revolutions and fanatic threads about liberating Catalonia/Tibet/You name it/XYZ nation is evil because ABC etc.
Eventually, some chaps will end up wanting to talk about the tedious topic of grammar, more than other things, and in the national language forums that is easy, because you've got the 3rd person viewpoint thing going on.
Altebrilas (Näita profiili) 26. juuni 2011 2:38.42
Although people said in the poll they were ok to do it, nobody actually did it. The phenomenon is interesting, because the same thing occurs when you ask people to interrupt an interesting conversation to move into a more comfortable place: they prefer to stay where they are, and go on talking.
It is thus not so easy to tell people "go to esperanto forum", and expect they will do it.
I think you should accept other people having different interests than yours. You may dislike grammar or politics - your opinion is respectable - , but those who are interested in them are not necessarily bad people...