Съобщения: 105
Език: English
sudanglo (Покажи профила) 17 юни 2011, 10:50:59
It seems a pity to deny them the chance of contributing to the thread and, after all, even for a beginner it is pretty easy to understand a contribution posted in Esperanto.
I have at times myself felt like posting in the French forum as I can follow the discussions there, but have held back because of my inablity to express myself clearly in French.
typhlocaris (Покажи профила) 17 юни 2011, 11:36:22
But You have helped me enough to follow you at another time explaining things.

Altebrilas (Покажи профила) 17 юни 2011, 17:59:01
erinja:English in the English forum, please.Sorry, it was the language of the message I answered to. And the language of the site is sometimes english, french or esperanto...
Altebrilas, I know you like to post in Esperanto. Please try hard to remember to post in English in this forum.
erinja (Покажи профила) 17 юни 2011, 18:50:58
But the rules for this website state that Esperanto should be spoken in the Esperanto forum. And in the non-Esperanto forums, you may post in Esperanto, but you must include a translation into the language of the forum.
It's written in the rules of the website
These non-Esperanto forums exist to help beginners who do not yet speak good Esperanto. If you post to the English (Spanish, French, Chinese) forums in Esperanto only, you are denying beginners a chance to participate fully in the very part of the site that is intended to help them.
I do not really care about the language of the post you are answering. I am not here to babysit you every second of the day. You should all be aware of the forum rules and follow them. Just because someone else disobeyed a rule doesn't mean that you should do it too.
typhlocaris (Покажи профила) 18 юни 2011, 00:23:37
I dont know his career Erinja. But pay attention only to this topic. Might infer that you are more social-blind than me. Or maybe you have a rigid Anglo-Saxon influence and I am a Latino cultural flexible. I do not laugh you, or not hurt.
If this site is LERNU, curiosity rookie will have to translate (or try) a random text that is in Esperanto in their native language subforum. In other words a CHALLENGE.
Maybe I'm wrong. Or not. But you and me have taught the rest of people one thing. The true meaning of the word neurodiversity.
For a better world. Thank you.
I repeat my message is not aggressive.
henma (Покажи профила) 18 юни 2011, 01:59:30
typhlocaris:I dont know his career Erinja. But pay attention only to this topic. Might infer that you are more social-blind than me. Or maybe you have a rigid Anglo-Saxon influence and I am a Latino cultural flexible. I do not laugh you, or not hurt.Ok, even when you insist that you are not being aggressive, using stereotypes on people IS aggressive.
This is not related to being "rigid" or "flexible"... and even less to being "Anglo-Saxon" or "Latino"... This is related to some rules this site has (which were thought by a reason, not just 'because').
Erin is part of the team of lernu! and she has a responsibility of taking care of this forum in particular. Other members of the team help in other forums as well.
This 'XXX in the XXX forum' is not something that happens only on the English forum. I learned this rule when I answered to a post in the Lithuanian forum and started a conversation in Esperanto which was stopped by Jev (with gentle words, he reminded us of the rules). I don't remember right now, but I think I have seen this even in the Spanish forum.
I usually, when posting in a forum, and I cannot write in the right language (for instance, answering a question in Portuguese, which I can understand, but it would be a worse offense to them that I tried to write in that language

henma (Покажи профила) 18 юни 2011, 02:11:27
erinja:I do not really care about the language of the post you are answering. I am not here to babysit you every second of the day. You should all be aware of the forum rules and follow them. Just because someone else disobeyed a rule doesn't mean that you should do it too.Just to be fair, Erinja, I don't think Altebrilas is justifying himself saying that he disobeyed the rules because somebody else did.
I think he's trying to explain that he didn't notice he was writing in the wrong language.
It has happened to me. It's easier to notice for a native, as you notice when you are writing in a language that is not your own. But when you are a non-native, writing in any of your non-native languages is similar.
I have made the same mistake in both directions... some time ago I answered here a message that was written in Esperanto, and I just continued thinking (and writing) in Esperanto... I translated my message when you pointed out the fact.
Today I was answering a message in one of the Esperanto forums, and I was writing in (I hope good) Esperanto, when suddenly, after I inserted something in English, I kept writing in English... I noticed the fact after some minutes (and I had to change the text...).
On the other hand... those two people should edit their messages and add a translation... Rules are rules, and being polite is the least we can do to help change the world.
henma (Покажи профила) 18 юни 2011, 02:20:58
sudanglo:It seems a pity to deny them the chance of contributing to the thread and, after all, even for a beginner it is pretty easy to understand a contribution posted in Esperanto.What you can do in those cases is to answer in Esperanto, but asking politely for somebody to translate your message. I have done that to answer questions I understood, but couldn't answer because of my inability to write in that language.
I have at times myself felt like posting in the French forum as I can follow the discussions there, but have held back because of my inablity to express myself clearly in French.
By the way, in this forum, native people is really patient with those who are not native... I have never been treated in a bad way because of my non-native English... and I have never seen anybody else being mistreated for having a poor English.
Altebrilas (Покажи профила) 18 юни 2011, 13:02:04
typhlocaris:Mi komprenas vin (geo63). La problemo estas kiam cxio tempo mi devas aktori kia neŭrosameculoj kun familio, "amikoj". Tio lacegigas min. Tiam mia cerbo povos knali.Kial ne paroli al ili pri via malsameco, kaj agi tutsimple kiel vi sentas? Eble ili ne volos agnoski, ke oni povas esti mense malsama, sed eventule vi povas agnoskigi tion de kuracisto aux psikiatro, cxar la homoj ofte blinde fidas kuracistojn...
Kelkfoje mi pensas ke tio estas simila al sufereco da samseksemulo.
Altebrilas, I remenber this person. He is a savant (high cpu person).
Thanks for listening me.

Why not speak to them about your difference and simply act like you feel? Maybe they will not acknowledge that one may be mentally different, but you can have it attested by a doctor or a psychiatrist, because people blindly trust doctors...
Well. It's done.
But since the thing to which we may be very careful is there:
Superrigardo /En la angla / Do you know the NEURODIVERSITY
Would it be technically infeasible to have it appear in red? Or to add a language flag next to the form "Add a message" ?
henma (Покажи профила) 18 юни 2011, 13:12:32
Altebrilas:But since the thing to which we may be very careful is there:It seems like a good idea... Jev is collecting proposals to improve some parts of lernu... specifically the forums and instant messenger... maybe we can propose it there.
Superrigardo /En la angla / Do you know the NEURODIVERSITY
Would it be technically infeasible to have it appear in red? Or to add a language flag next to the form "Add a message" ?