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Do you know the NEURODIVERSITY?

от typhlocaris, 14 юни 2011

Съобщения: 105

Език: English

typhlocaris (Покажи профила) 14 юни 2011, 07:25:29

I would like to talk about the neurodiversity. Well, I wonder if anybody think similar to me that People dont respect others types of feeling this world. Mainly, It is a unknown term. Why dont people understand what I dont mind their details of their life? I am interested that they think about life. Sometimes I want to isolate of them because I can hate them...

How do you say "neurodiversity", "aspie", "autistic" "asperger" in esperanto?

Thanks and bye.

Excuse me for some error. English will never be my bilingual language. But It can write more fluent than esperanto.

darkweasel (Покажи профила) 14 юни 2011, 07:34:11

"Autistic" is aŭtisma, the Asperger syndrome is Asperger-sindromo.

geo63 (Покажи профила) 14 юни 2011, 07:40:27

typhlocaris:...How do you say "neurodiversity", "aspie", "autistic" "asperger" in esperanto?
neurodiveristy = neŭrodiverseco, neŭrovarieco, neŭromalsameco, neŭroalieco

typhlocaris (Покажи профила) 14 юни 2011, 11:42:57


The worst thing is when I should understand my bosses. In general, any work of social interaction. Now I want to die. It gives me great stress.

geo63 (Покажи профила) 14 юни 2011, 15:11:29


The worst thing is when I should understand my bosses. In general, any work of social interaction. Now I want to die. It gives me great stress.
Hey, boss is that kind of a man you will never be able to understand - at least I never could. But work is just work, it is not your whole life. There are other things which make life wonderful - the only problem is to find them, but if you look really hard...

Altebrilas (Покажи профила) 14 юни 2011, 15:57:38


here is a link to wiki page of Daniel Tammet, where you can find vocabulary about the topic. He has written books about Asperger Syndrom viewed from inside. He has learned esperanto among a lot of other languages.

On that page are other links that may interest you.

typhlocaris (Покажи профила) 14 юни 2011, 18:23:53

I am understand you (geo63). The problem is that I should act to look like a neurotypical person with family and friends. all time. That jades me. Then my brain can explode.

Sometimes, I think that this feeling look likes of sufferness of homosexual people.

Altebrilas, I remenber this person. He is a savant (high cpu person) lango.gif.

sal.gif Thanks for listening me.

Mi komprenas vin (geo63). La problemo estas kiam cxio tempo mi devas aktori kia neŭrosameculoj kun familio, "amikoj". Tio lacegigas min. Tiam mia cerbo povos knali.

Kelkfoje mi pensas ke tio estas simila al sufereco da samseksemulo.

ceigered (Покажи профила) 15 юни 2011, 11:36:48

Sorry to stray from the topic, but this neurodiversity thing is very interesting, I've never heard of it before (eble la ideo bezonas ke ni homoj plu esploradi ĝin).
Thanks for bringing it up here, it would have taken me a while to find out about this sort of concept otherwise!

Altebrilas (Покажи профила) 16 юни 2011, 10:54:16

typhlocaris:Mi komprenas vin (geo63). La problemo estas kiam cxio tempo mi devas aktori kia neŭrosameculoj kun familio, "amikoj". Tio lacegigas min. Tiam mia cerbo povos knali.

Kelkfoje mi pensas ke tio estas simila al sufereco da samseksemulo.

Altebrilas, I remenber this person. He is a savant (high cpu person) lango.gif.

sal.gif Thanks for listening me.
Kial ne paroli al ili pri via malsameco, kaj agi tutsimple kiel vi sentas? Eble ili ne volos agnoski, ke oni povas esti mense malsama, sed eventule vi povas agnoskigi tion de kuracisto aux psikiatro, cxar la homoj ofte blinde fidas kuracistojn... rideto.gif

erinja (Покажи профила) 17 юни 2011, 09:52:14

English in the English forum, please.

Altebrilas, I know you like to post in Esperanto. Please try hard to remember to post in English in this forum.

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