Messages : 10
Langue: English
Evildela (Voir le profil) 16 juin 2011 11:10:41
The next Australian Esperanto Congress will occur in Adelaide 2011, from Saturday, July 9th to Sunday, July 17th. The centennial congress will be located at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia.
AEA Website - More Information
geo63 (Voir le profil) 16 juin 2011 20:39:28
Evildela:AUSTRALIAN ESPERANTO CONGRESS ADELAIDE 2011.Why is Australia so far away from Central Europe...? Life is not fair.
The next Australian Esperanto Congress will occur in Adelaide 2011, from Saturday, July 9th to Sunday, July 17th. The centennial congress will be located at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia.
AEA Website - More Information
ceigered (Voir le profil) 17 juin 2011 10:42:10
Not only that, it's being held at one of my unis! (although if I click on the link to Adelaide University on their site it sends me to "St Ann's College" which I've never heard of

(And the SA Esperanto group's website still looks inactive)
Now to figure out how these things work...

EDIT2: Can you just go one day and pay $25 (if I read things correctly) on arrival?

qwertz (Voir le profil) 17 juin 2011 15:52:14
Wednesday 13 July
School of Humanities, Linguistics and Endangered Languages
Room LG23 (Lower Ground)
Napier Building
A Celebration of Esperanto
A Taste of Esperanto (3.00pm - an introductory lesson in which only Esperanto will be spoken by the teacher and the learners will understand every word!)
Speaker: Trevor Steele
Esperanto in Context: Judaism, utopianism, and the global realignment of languages (5.00pm)
Speaker: Professor Humphrey Tonkin
All Welcome
Further information: Ghil’ad Zuckermann (linked E-mail adresse)
Maybe congress fees could be excused to you if you tell Ghil’ad that you will help them with event organisation matters(?). I would give it a try, if I would at your situation.
Coleman (Voir le profil) 7 juillet 2011 10:27:42
geo63:Guess what: it is the same distance from here to Central EuropeEvildela:AUSTRALIAN ESPERANTO CONGRESS ADELAIDE 2011.Why is Australia so far away from Central Europe...? Life is not fair.
The next Australian Esperanto Congress will occur in Adelaide 2011, from Saturday, July 9th to Sunday, July 17th. The centennial congress will be located at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia.
AEA Website - More Information

Australians seem to be happy to travel to Europe for kongresses, but the Europeans seem less happy to come down here

Coleman (Voir le profil) 7 juillet 2011 10:31:23
ceigered:HOLY TARRRNATIONS IN TAMAYTAH SAUCE!St Anne's is a residental hall in North Adelaide near St Peter's Cathdral.
Not only that, it's being held at one of my unis! (although if I click on the link to Adelaide University on their site it sends me to "St Ann's College" which I've never heard of).
(And the SA Esperanto group's website still looks inactive)
Now to figure out how these things work...
EDITricing though is too prohibitive for me, $80 is too much
EDIT2: Can you just go one day and pay $25 (if I read things correctly) on arrival?
I find it interesting that people expect to get things for nothing. The Kongress costs money to run and if everyone wanted to 'do jobs' then from where will the money come to pay for the various things that have to be paid.
$80 is less then some people will spend on beer for a night, or on coffeee or on cigarettes!
erinja (Voir le profil) 7 juillet 2011 11:16:19
Ceigered, I have found that Esperanto events are very sensitive on pricing. They charge full price to those who can pay, but most Esperanto events don't want to deny people the chance to participate in an event just because of money. That's why there's normally a discount for students, the retired, and the unemployed, and also a reduced rate for attending only one day. But Esperanto committees aren't a big business. If you talk to the organizers normally you can work out some kind of "pay what you can afford" deal.
I would try to manage a way to attend the whole event. It would be a shame to give yourself only one day due to financial difficulties. If I were you, I would try to catch the JoMo concert, and also participate in the "konversacia rondo". I think that would be useful to you. And catch at least one of Humphrey Tonkin's lectures. It looks like he has one in English, if you don't think you could understand one of his Esperanto lectures.
Incidentally, looks like the organizers are really getting their money's worth out of Humphrey!
ceigered (Voir le profil) 7 juillet 2011 11:42:19
Coleman:I find it interesting that people expect to get things for nothing. The Kongress costs money to run and if everyone wanted to 'do jobs' then from where will the money come to pay for the various things that have to be paid.Please don't misunderstand, I'm well aware that things have to come from somewhere, and that you can't run a big conference with no money (I was not aware it was such a thing though - I thought it was just a big meet up or something - I barely know anything about how the Esperanto community works in flesh). And I mistook it for "$80/day", which would be very expensive!
$80 is less then some people will spend on beer for a night, or on coffeee or on cigarettes!
And I might as well add that I'd never spend $80 on beer/coffee/cigarettes. That's rich for me. I could buy a video game! Or two!

Anyway, I stand by "$80 is too much", because for me it literally is. That's all I mean. That I can't afford that, and even if I could I'd have to work around other spending priorities, family/friend commitments (I do owe friends more attention given how introverted I can be), and in the end, $80 and me wouldn't work. I do hope there is a healthy turn out though, since anyone with a moderately well paid job won't have troubles no doubt affording (and the single day price isn't bad if I read it correctly).
@ Erinja:
I sent and email and got a reply from a nice person (whom I haven't replied to yet, I've had a few uni related things on my plate which have been stealing my attention which I devote to "official things"), they did mention various possibilities. But I won't be able to go anyway.
Anyway, I'll keep that in mind that the whole thing is better than just one day. Perhaps things will change in the next 5 years financially (hopefully not more than that, I'll have trouble financing uni education then).
ceigered (Voir le profil) 7 juillet 2011 11:51:18
Coleman:St Anne's is a residental hall in North Adelaide near St Peter's Cathdral.BTW if you don't mind me saying Coleman, WOW Another Esperanto person from SA!

Is the St Anne's hall for people seeking accommodation? That'd be very convenient placed in the city. Perhaps that could be a good selling point for tourist Esperantists, since it's only a very brief 5-10 minute walk away from many of the CBD's, erm, attractions? (Dunno if Rundle Mall counts really compared to the interestingly coloured River Torrens and the Botanical Gardens).
EoMy (Voir le profil) 7 juillet 2011 14:19:31
Why there are not commercial sponsors to help to reduce the cost for the students? At the same time, let these commercial firms know that their products are sponsored partly from esperantists over the world. Of course with the internet, their adverts are also shown to the world.
I may be wrong but just curious.