Příspěvky: 5
Jazyk: English
will_gilbert (Ukázat profil) 9. července 2011 15:50:47
This 'application' uses many of the excellent EO learning tools provided by the Lernu.net site -- EO Dictionary, Esperanto to your-favorite-language glossary. There are also links to the most recent 'Radio Verda' podcasts and the daily 'Esperanto Retradio' audio read-alongs. There are direct links to all of the web sites which provide these services.
This 'web app' is mean to supplement not supplant the originating web sites. Moreover, the intent is to supply EO tools via Smartphone and Tablets when a desktop or laptop computer is not available. That said it does run on most desktop and laptop browsers if you like.
I've not tested the WebApp on Android based SmartPhone but have high expectations that it should work. I am only uncertain about how it will behave under the various versions of Windows IE. In which case, I apologize in advance, I have no access to Windows.
There are directions, in English - sorry, for how to turn the URL into a button on the home page of the iPhone. Other SmartPhones probably have their own ways of doing this. As a web app, if I update the application on my server you will see the change the next time the Web App is launched.
I hope you find it useful, it has been for me and now I am sharing it.
And now the URL...
Mobile EO
or if you prefer to copy/paste directly for security:
Default preferences are to use English in the EO Glossary and to open in the Home page. Both of these settings can be changed using the 'Preferoj' menu button on the Home page.
For the technical dudes and dudettes -- This web app uses the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and a small framework which I wrote which emulates the original iPhone look and feel. Internally it uses the GWT EventBus and each page is implemented using the Model-View-Presenter architecture described at Google IO 2009 (URL below).
Google IO MVP Presentation
It uses the Google GIN for dependency injection of each MVP triad. There is PHP code on the server side which responses with JSONP packets. The build system is based on Gradle and I intend to check the code and iPhone GWT widget framework into GitHub in the near future.
Thanks for your attention and consideration, I hope you enjoy.
--will gilbert
Lernu! username: will_gilbert
kikoso (Ukázat profil) 9. července 2011 19:49:09
darkweasel (Ukázat profil) 9. července 2011 19:55:21
The dictionary doesn't seem to work either, I keep getting "timeout" error messages.
(Samsung Galaxy S on Android 2.1-update1, using the built-in browser.)
will_gilbert (Ukázat profil) 9. července 2011 20:12:24
kikoso:Interesting Will, congratulations. What have you use to wrote it, Adobe Air?GWT takes Java source code and 'complies' it into JavaScript. I'd be happy to send you the source code if you are interested.
will_gilbert (Ukázat profil) 9. července 2011 20:20:17
darkweasel:The dictionary doesn't seem to work either, I keep getting "timeout" error messages.I'll see if I can increase the timeouts. Your query first goes to my server, which sends a query to Lernu!, that response is then parsed into JSONP and finally sent to your phone. There are probably a couple of transoceanic hops in there somewhere.
You see, browsers aren't allowed to talk to any server except the one the URL originated on. The exception is JSONP protocol, which Lernu! doesn't use at the moment.