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Moving in a few months

од tmsoc, 13. јул 2011.

Поруке: 6

Језик: English

tmsoc (Погледати профил) 13. јул 2011. 18.02.41


I guess I should introduce myself a bit. My name is TJ, I'm from the USA, I've studied EO off and on for a few years, and I am graduating from college in December.

I want to move to a cold climate after I graduate, maybe with a good EO community..?

Where would you all suggest to move to and maybe find a local type job, like at a bookstore or cafe, etc?

Miland (Погледати профил) 13. јул 2011. 18.24.26

Scotland might be suitable. It is an English-speaking country with a vigorous Esperanto movement, and in fact next year's British Congress will be in Edinburgh. The Northern part of Scotland should get as cold as you might wish, at least in winter. I would write to Ed Robertson ("EdRobertson" on this forum) about any questions you might have.

erinja (Погледати профил) 13. јул 2011. 19.09.07

Unless you have an EU dual citizenship I'm unaware of, you can't just up and move to the UK. I think the paperwork would be pretty difficult to get through.

I recommend Boston for the US. That'll give you the cold climate and some active Esperantists. On the west coast, San Francisco. Not exactly "cold" but definitely moderate.

In the Midwest, I think I know maybe one or two Esperantists in the Chicago area and there are a couple near Cleveland but I don't know how often they meet.


I just remembered, Rochester, New York might be a good option. They have a small Esperanto community but they're all lovely, friendly people. And Rochester is only couple hours' drive from Toronto (which has a pretty large Esperanto group), so you could participate in some Canadian events as well. And Rochester definitely has the cool, snowy climate covered.

Unfortunately their economy isn't that great right now so the job aspect might be hard. It's definitely worth a try though. For a small city, Rochester has some great cultural stuff going on. I visit relatives there frequently.

acdibble (Погледати профил) 13. јул 2011. 19.45.13

erinja:I just remembered, Rochester, New York might be a good option. They have a small Esperanto community but they're all lovely, friendly people. And Rochester is only couple hours' drive from Toronto (which has a pretty large Esperanto group), so you could participate in some Canadian events as well. And Rochester definitely has the cool, snowy climate covered.
I live about a half hour away from Rochester and haven't been there yet.

Here is a list of groups that Esperanto-USA has:

erinja (Погледати профил) 13. јул 2011. 20.02.07

The University of Rochester has regular Esperanto activities. It's a good place to be a young Esperantist because the activities aren't dominated by the elderly like they are in some cities.

acdibble (Погледати профил) 13. јул 2011. 20.09.02

I'll have to visit sometime in the fall if I have time then. Maybe Toronto too. I live 45 minutes from the border I think so I guess I have prime location.

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