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"Pruntedonado" on EventEO

от ceigered, 16 юли 2011

Съобщения: 9

Език: English

ceigered (Покажи профила) 16 юли 2011, 15:18:34

I found this compound on this EventEO article about China giving loans to small and middle size enterprises in Africa.

I understand the basic meaning of "pruntedonado", but I want to know if this is a viable way to make a construction, with this adverbial "e" in the middle (it makes more sense than "pruntadonado" obviously, but is the adverbial focus of loans modifying the action of "donado" "pruntedonado" enough to warrant "e"s use instead of "pruntOdonado"?)

La skribanto de la originala artikolo:La 9-an de junio la Ĉina Komerca Ministro (ĈKM) diris, ke Ĉinio subskribis la kontrakton de valoro de 220 milionoj da usonaj dolaroj kun afrikaj landoj por pruntedonado el la speciala fonduso por monhelpi 13 projektojn pri mal- kaj mez-grandaj entreprenoj.
TRADUKAĴO: The 9th of June the Chinese Commerce Minister said that China signed the contract worth 220 million USD with African countries for loan deals from the special fund to financially aid 13 projects involving small and medium sized enterprises.

OFFTOPIC EDIT: Anyone else feeling like EventEO really is much more informative than some traditional news sources despite the brevity and simplistic language? rido.gif.

mnlg (Покажи профила) 16 юли 2011, 15:50:44

I usually see pruntedoni (more often pruntepreni), but I believe pruntodoni would also do. ReVo mentions "alprunti" as a synonim for pruntedoni.

sudanglo (Покажи профила) 17 юли 2011, 15:18:55

You will find various 'gramatikaj finaĵoj' in the middle of Esperanto words, Ceiger.

We say 'posteulo' for successor, and 'nepagipova' was a common adjective in the iron curtain days to describe those countries who couldn't get hold of foreign exchange.

mnlg (Покажи профила) 17 юли 2011, 16:17:28

sudanglo:'nepagipova' was a common adjective in the iron curtain days to describe those countries who couldn't get hold of foreign exchange.
"(ne)transpagipova" was more common back when I was writing aliĝilojn ridulo.gif

ceigered (Покажи профила) 17 юли 2011, 16:46:26

mnlg:"(ne)transpagipova" was more common back when I was writing aliĝilojn ridulo.gif
That somehow doesn't sound like a nice situation to be in rido.gif.

Thanks Mnlg and Sudanglo for your help. Puts my mind to rest knowing there's no real problem with it and I wouldn't be picking up a bad habit necessarily by seeing someone else use it ridulo.gif

mnlg (Покажи профила) 17 юли 2011, 17:59:42

ceigered:That somehow doesn't sound like a nice situation to be in rido.gif.
I am proud to have been the administrator of more than one Esperanto meeting, if that's what you were referring to. Or maybe it was about being netranspagipova, in which case I would have to agree. rideto.gif

ceigered (Покажи профила) 18 юли 2011, 06:07:10

ceigered:That somehow doesn't sound like a nice situation to be in rido.gif.
I am proud to have been the administrator of more than one Esperanto meeting, if that's what you were referring to. Or maybe it was about being netranspagipova, in which case I would have to agree. rideto.gif
The netranspagipova part (unable to pay?) okulumo.gif

mnlg (Покажи профила) 18 юли 2011, 06:48:26

ceigered:The netranspagipova part (unable to pay?) okulumo.gif
"Unable to take part in currency transactions with the outside", more or less.

sudanglo (Покажи профила) 18 юли 2011, 10:58:08

And if you want another example Ceiger, 'interkonatiĝi'.

It is quite clear from Zamenhof's own accounts of the language that he saw the 'gramatikaj finaĵoj' as having a similar status to other radikoj.

So that X-o, X-a and X-as etc, where X is a single root, were just as much compounds as more complex forms.

Mainly, the reason for an intermediate position is pronounceability, but sometimes as in the case of 'posteulo' it is to distinguish it from another word (postulo).

I've never stopped to think how common the interpolation of finaĵoj, is in Esperanto words. One just seems to pick up these forms as you go along.

If I asked you to make up a word for carnivore, I don't think you would hesitate to say 'viando-manĝanto' or 'karno-manĝulo'

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