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translation help

od qwertz, 6. novembra 2011

Príspevky: 4

Jazyk: English

qwertz (Zobraziť profil) 6. novembra 2011 9:19:55


how to translate:

I deny/refuse to serve someones egocentrism.

Mi rifuzas servi al iu de fremdpersona centrigado.
Mi rifuzas servi al iun centrigadon.

That means I don't change my opinion solely of the sake to confirm someones egocentrism. Means I negate/cream-face my own character. In German (idiom): nach dem Mund reden/speaking simultaneous to someones mouth


darkweasel (Zobraziť profil) 6. novembra 2011 9:20:44

Mi rifuzas servi ies memcentrismon.

qwertz (Zobraziť profil) 6. novembra 2011 9:25:08

Thanks, darkweasel.

qwertz (Zobraziť profil) 6. novembra 2011 10:59:40

plz delete.
