Mesaĝoj: 9
Lingvo: English
Bibaleebu (Montri la profilon) 2005-junio-28 01:42:38
Mi Amus vin = I would love you?
Mike59 (Montri la profilon) 2005-junio-28 17:29:15
Qwertie (Montri la profilon) 2005-julio-18 06:25:32
trojo (Montri la profilon) 2005-julio-24 19:50:43
The rules for using should, would, could, can, etc, in English are quite complicated and arbitrary (check the definitions and usage notes under each of those words in a good dictionary) and as a result, these rules are frequently disregarded even by native English speakers in informal speech and writing. There is, obviously, something to be said for a simpler system.
languagefan (Montri la profilon) 2005-julio-24 21:20:03
trojo (Montri la profilon) 2005-julio-24 22:13:27
The -us verb forms are correct here. But "multe" as in multe da mono is an adverb and thus takes -e, and the Esperanto-ized name of the country of Spain is "Hispanio". Se mi havus multe da mono, mi vojaĝus al Hispanio.
Bildoj kaj Demandoj (my favorite course on this site) has an almost identical example in Leciono 43.
languagefan (Montri la profilon) 2005-julio-24 22:19:47

Eujensc (Montri la profilon) 2005-julio-25 22:05:08
Vi mangxu vian mangxon. You should eat your food.
Mangxu vian mangxon. Eat your food.
And with regards to the conditional:
Se li estas cxe la tablo, li devas mangxi sian mangxon. If he is at the table, he must eat his food.
Se li estus cxe la tablo, li devus mangxi sian mangxon. If he were at the table, he would have to eat his food.
...could be wrong though. Don't quote me on that.
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2005-julio-26 21:40:07