
is there a typo in this joke?

글쓴이: s.hofius, 2007년 11월 13일

글: 3

언어: English

s.hofius (프로필 보기) 2007년 11월 13일 오전 7:24:40

i saw this joke on the lernu homepage and i think there's a typo:

- Kia estas la adreso de plej proksima juĝejo?
- Via konscienco.

"kia" should be "kie", ĉu ne?

also, while i'm at it, on the page to create a new thread (on the english version of lernu) it says "Restis simboloj"
shouldn't this say remaining letters? (as in... english?)

p.s. if any part of this sounded like i'm being a dick, that is not my intentions, i just thought someone would like to know

BasCostBudde (프로필 보기) 2007년 11월 13일 오전 7:37:59

I think it should be 'kiu', otherwise you'd be asking where the address is located.

"remaining letters" is a fairly new label and may not have been translated yet.

s.hofius (프로필 보기) 2007년 11월 13일 오전 7:50:34

ahh... that's right... here i was trying to be slick...

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