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Pronunciation help

de ludomastro, 4 octobre 2013

Messages : 26

Langue: English

ludomastro (Voir le profil) 4 octobre 2013 23:13:44

I'm struggling with how to even begin to pronounce the following:

I know what they mean, I just have no model upon which to build those sounds at the beginning of words.

ps as in lips? Like "psst" but without the "t"?

sc as in sts I guess; however, I just can't think of a word to use to transition.

Nile (Voir le profil) 5 octobre 2013 01:06:55

These are actually both pretty common clusters in English, only they are never at the start of a word, which is why you're having trouble.
To practice, try putting a vowel in front of it, or to be more natural, use it in a sentence.

I figure you can say "wastes", right? Try saying "wastes eels". Now say "mi scias" fast, so it's like "meests sias".

Now, for the "ps" sound. Say "lips", but hold out the ess, so you're going "lipsss".
Now try "lypsynch", then gradually remove the "li" part.

Good luck!

RiotNrrd (Voir le profil) 5 octobre 2013 02:21:00

Rejsi:*edit* Oops. I don't know how to delete this.
Delete everything from your post except a "-" (hyphen). An administrator will then remove the entire post.

sudanglo (Voir le profil) 5 octobre 2013 10:45:13

sc as in sts I guess; however, I just can't think of a word to use to transition.
bestseller (ie book)

Nile (Voir le profil) 5 octobre 2013 13:41:37

That's a good one!
Here's one that sounds more like psiko:

ludomastro (Voir le profil) 5 octobre 2013 21:50:39

Very nice!

Thanks for the help.

Dankon por la helpo.

Nile (Voir le profil) 5 octobre 2013 22:13:52

Ne probleme! ridulo.gif

love4gives (Voir le profil) 8 octobre 2013 07:07:03

I'm having trouble differentiating the sound between H and Ĥ. Many books or dictionary says to pronounce it as Scottish "Loch" or what not, but I don't speak Scottish so I don't know how it sounds like.

Kirilo81 (Voir le profil) 8 octobre 2013 07:57:48

[url=ĥo/#eo]example for <ĥ> = /x/[/url]

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