לתוכן העניינים

Science Fiction written in Esperanto

של Bemused, 20 ביוני 2014

הודעות: 10

שפה: English

Bemused (הצגת פרופיל) 20 ביוני 2014, 08:07:13

I read somewhere that some science fiction was written originally in Esperanto.
Reading works originally written in Esperanto would help develop a "feel" for the way the language is used by people not necessarily of English lnguage background.
Does anyone know of the authors, titles, and where copies could be found?

Roberto12 (הצגת פרופיל) 20 ביוני 2014, 08:44:21

I'd be surprised if there wasn't at least one such story, although I wouldn't know where to find it. The best I can suggest is La Aventuroj de Malgranda Bajaro by Matthew Ruane (Lulu.com), which I confess I haven't read, and Ili ekzistas sur ebenejoj nekonataj al homoj, which is the only Esperanto story on Wattpad, and which was written by a certain member of the Lernu forum.

glaciurso (הצגת פרופיל) 20 ביוני 2014, 11:06:35

I once read a short story (La subtera elizeo) from KONISHI Gaku in a sci-fi anthology and was surprised seeing the original title in Esperanto at the end of the book - I didn't know much of the language back then.

I found another short story from him here: La kosmoŝipo Edeno n-ro 5

And you can buy his book at UEA: Vage tra la dimensioj

You could also try and look for NEMERE István in the UEA catalog, he also wrote some sci-fi books in Eo.

1Guy1 (הצגת פרופיל) 20 ביוני 2014, 13:23:29

Not originally written in Esperanto, but has to be mentioned is this by Harry Harrison:


Harry Harrison was an Esperantist & Esperanto does crop up through his stainless steel rat novels.

Someone else translated this but it was done during Harrison's lifetime - how much input he had I do not know.

ruth3209 (הצגת פרופיל) 20 ביוני 2014, 13:45:51

I just bought a classic Esperanto fantasy/sci-fi novel about time-travel from the used book internet store at E-USA. The title is Saltego trans Jarmiloj. Haven't read it yet so can't comment on the content.

This is the description from Wikipedia:
Saltego trans Jarmiloj (Leap across the millennia) is the second novel originally written in Esperanto by Jean Forge. It appeared in 1924 (192 pages). It is a fantasy, whose characters are transported out of our time into a past epoch. Written in a simple lively style, it - despite its humor and other attractions - does not reach the level of Forge's first novel, Abismoj

and this is the link to Vikipedio: http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saltego_Trans_Jarmilo...

danielcg (הצגת פרופיל) 20 ביוני 2014, 16:51:17

Bemused:I read somewhere that some science fiction was written originally in Esperanto.
Reading works originally written in Esperanto would help develop a "feel" for the way the language is used by people not necessarily of English lnguage background.
Does anyone know of the authors, titles, and where copies could be found?
Both UEA (http://katalogo.uea.org/) and FEL (http://www.esperanto.be/fel/but/) have online bookstores.

I have read some science fiction works originally written. Just now I only remember three titles:

"Malfacilas esti Dio" (It's hard to be a god), which I didn't like. I specially disliked the excessive use of unnecessary neologisms, but I also didn't like the story.

"Akvariinfanoj" (Aquarium children), mezbona.

"Misio sen Alveno" (Mission without arrival), by John Islay Francis, very good in my opinion.



BoriQa (הצגת פרופיל) 22 ביוני 2014, 18:20:40

danielcg:"Misio sen Alveno" (Mission without arrival), by John Islay Francis, very good in my opinion.

Thanks Daniel.

Just ordered a copy from the Esperanto-Asocio de Britio.

Looking forward to read it.


Aplonis (הצגת פרופיל) 27 בינואר 2016, 02:34:46

Eldonejo Mistera Sturno is an on-line library of freely re-distributable ebooks, fantasy and science fiction, translations mostly from Hugo-winning author Jack Vance. Two whole novels from the Dying Earth series are now complete with a third now undergoing translation. One novella and four short stories are likewise complete.

And just recently I've gotten permission to begin translating "Way Station" by Hugo-winning author Clifford D. Simak. Of that I'm now working on chapter 7, with 36 chapters in the book total.

Velkro (הצגת פרופיל) 6 בפברואר 2016, 10:04:40

There is an anthology called Sferoj which I occasionally see at libroservoj going cheap. According to the wikipedia page a fair few of the stories are originally written in Esperanto.

Drail (הצגת פרופיל) 7 בפברואר 2016, 20:23:30

Libazar' kaj Tero by Sen Rodin is according to the title a science fiction book that was originally written in Esperanto.

I haven't read it though, so I can't tell you whether it's good or bad.

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