Aportes: 6
Idioma: English
amigueo (Mostrar perfil) 17 de noviembre de 2014 14:36:08
you have guessed, "ey" comes from "they", if i knew the english phylology, then my election would be more elegant.

bartlett22183 (Mostrar perfil) 17 de noviembre de 2014 17:46:47
Rujo (Mostrar perfil) 17 de noviembre de 2014 18:19:23
I believe that if Amigueo restate the question in the appropriate forum, it can be solved without problems, because something will be said in or about Esperanto. Ekzemple: "Saluton, mi petas vian opinion pri la neologismo "ey eys eyself" metita post "it is itself", kiu egalvaloras al "they, them, their", kiam uzata kiel "she or he". Akceptante ke "ey" venas el "they", se mi scius la anglan filologion, tiam mia elekto estus pli eleganta. [Oni atendu la respondon en Esperanto.]
erinja (Mostrar perfil) 17 de noviembre de 2014 20:12:44
Hound_of_God (Mostrar perfil) 17 de noviembre de 2014 20:30:56
amigueo (Mostrar perfil) 18 de noviembre de 2014 13:31:29
the question is also useful for testing if esperanto beginners feel temptation of "regularising" english.

native english people or phylologists are concerned.
the fenomenon is similar to pronoun sxli, gi, ri, ge and afix -icx en esperanto. the tendency is beyond languages.