
esperanto translation, please dubble check :)

dnaleor-tól, 2015. április 17.

Hozzászólások: 26

Nyelv: English

dnaleor (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 17. 23:29:02

Hi guys,

I'm a member of a cryptocommunity around a coin called 'monero' and we are trying to create a physical coin with a reference to esperanto. Therefore, I want to double check some translationns. If you have better alternatives please post them ridulo.gif

Some background: monero is a highly privacy oriented cryptocoin, unlike bitcoin where all transactions are in a public ledger. We value privacy because it's a human right. Without privacy there is no freedom.

#1: "Sekurigas liberecon per financa privateco" : (we) secure freedom through financial privacy
#2: "forte el nombroj" : strength from numbers (as in 'math' )

I already checked these translations with some members of the dutch speaking esperanto community, but we want some more opinions. Maybe some of you have more 'catchy' ideas than us okulumo.gif

We certainly don't want mistakes or silly sounding sentences engraved on our physical coins.

thanks in advance!

Christa627 (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 17. 23:33:35

#2: "forte el nombroj" : strength from numbers (as in 'math' )
I don't know for sure about your first sentence, but "forte el nombroj" would be "strongly from numbers". Like maybe it's strongly made of numbers...

noelekim (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 18. 2:13:13


#2: "forte el nombroj" : strength from numbers (as in 'math' )
"En numeroj estas forto" would look good on coins.

Altebrilas (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 18. 9:41:09

"forto pro nombroj" or "el ciferoj forto" looks more concise; "nombra forto" is ambiguous, but it can be useful.

sudanglo (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 18. 11:00:10

Number has three translations in Esperanto:

1. Nombro (quantity - large or small)
2. Numero (as in phone/house/membership number)
3. Cifero (digit/numeral - the representation)

'strength from numbers' is a bit vague.

Is your currency strong because of some underlying quantitative characteristic?

Is your currency strong because of the digital encoding?

Strength/noun = forto; strong/adjective = forta; in a strong way/adverb = forte.

'From' could be:

1. el (made out of, selected from, coming from)
2. pro (because of)
3. per (by means of)

My suggestion for your slogan el ciferoj venas forto.

sudanglo (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 18. 11:23:22

we are trying to create a physical coin
Then what has maths got to do with it?

Tempodivalse (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 18. 18:10:31

sudanglo:My suggestion for your slogan el ciferoj venas forto.

dnaelor:#1: "Sekurigas liberecon per financa privateco" : (we) secure freedom through financial privacy
You should be aware this isn't a full-formed sentence - it's missing the overt subject, ni (we). If you're looking for maximal conciseness on the coin though, maybe you can leave it dropped.

dnaleor (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 19. 16:04:27

sudanglo:My suggestion for your slogan el ciferoj venas forto.

dnaelor:#1: "Sekurigas liberecon per financa privateco" : (we) secure freedom through financial privacy
You should be aware this isn't a full-formed sentence - it's missing the overt subject, ni (we). If you're looking for maximal conciseness on the coin though, maybe you can leave it dropped.
and what about the imperative?

"Sekurigu liberecon per financa privateco"
Does that sound better?

edit: is there some sort of "soft imperative" (adhortativus) like in latin?
How to translate "let us secure freedom" in esperanto?

dnaleor (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 19. 16:06:56

#2: "forte el nombroj" : strength from numbers (as in 'math' )
I don't know for sure about your first sentence, but "forte el nombroj" would be "strongly from numbers". Like maybe it's strongly made of numbers...
yeah, it was a typo. i meant to type "forto el nombroj" but I guess this isn't the best option. If there are other suggestions, please, let me know ridulo.gif

sudanglo (Profil megtekintése) 2015. április 20. 11:40:34

edit: is there some sort of "soft imperative"
Sometimes you will see the infinitive used for instructions (eg for labelling operation boxes on a computer screen).

Also the accusative can be used in a sort of exhortative manner implying some understood verb -eg for la manojn! (take your hands off); la monon nun! (give me/us the money now)

So you might say (slogane) Liberon per mono privata!

Let us' is normally translated by ni + imperative.

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