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how long it takrs to learn esperanto perfectly ?

ravana, 2015 m. liepa 29 d.

Žinutės: 26

Kalba: English

ravana (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 8 d. 17:57:05

I think that in italy one university have esperanto as a one of the languages to learn .

zesatijose (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 25 d. 17:40:23

sudanglo:And one shouldn't forget that even a basic command of Esperanto is likely to exceed the command of English that you might encounter in your foreign travels - even where you might expect a certain mastery of English (eg in hotel staff or at information desks, or other typical points of contact for travelling tourists).
It is all true. Speaking English I am never at home. I am always afraid of unintentional errors I could make. That prohibits my expressiveness a lot. So I try to speak as simply as I can not to get into trouble.
in my experience, I feel like my Esperanto is almost as good as my Spanish....a little less than fluent(Mexican American) I've only been learning Esperanto since the duo course, but I do believe I have a slight advantage with my foreknowledge of Spanish..and interestingly, my parents have noticed an improvement in my Spanish since starting Esperanto...

Maiky (Rodyti profilį) 2017 m. rugsėjis 24 d. 02:00:00

Vestitor:I think the best plan is to just start learning, keep it regular and see how one progresses. Worrying about time limits is like watching grass grow...i.e. never fast enough for an observer.
A watched pot never boils ahhahahah

mkj1887 (Rodyti profilį) 2017 m. rugsėjis 24 d. 06:55:29

Bruso:I don't think there is a "perfectly".

A series of lessons on Old Norse has this at the beginning:
Language learning is gradual, piece-by-piece, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, often rewarding, often frustrating. There is no black and white in language learning, no set stage where one "speaks the language", before which one understood and spoke nothing, after which one understands and speaks everything. It's an open-ended process, from which one can enter and exit at will, always benefitting from every minute effort. How this relates to our course, is to make you understand that you will not exit from it completely fluent in Old Norse, having "finished" that language, because there is no finish line; but neither will you have wasted your time, because time invested in language study is never "lost".
Zamenhof addressed this issue in ‘Fundamenta Krestomatio de la lingvo Esperanto’

“Devigataj dividi nian tempon inter diversaj lingvoj, ni ne havas la eblon dece fordoni nin eĉ al unu el ili, kaj tial de unu flanko tre malofte iu el ni posedas perfekte eĉ sian patran lingvon, kaj de la dua flanko la lingvoj mem ne povas dece ellaboriĝi, kaj, parolante en nia patra lingvo, ni ofte estas devigataj aŭ preni vortojn kaj esprimojn de fremdaj popoloj, aŭ esprimi nin neprecize kaj eĉ pensi lame dank’ al la nesufiĉeco de la lingvo.”

esploristo3000 (Rodyti profilį) 2017 m. spalis 14 d. 15:54:25

Perfectly? I think, that takes your lifetime - languages develope... but elementary you learn in 15 minutes; everyday usage takes a little longer, possibly haf a year; if you somethin more.. as I said, the rest of your life.

Roch (Rodyti profilį) 2017 m. spalis 14 d. 16:26:25

For how many hours a week? 5 would make only 130 hours...

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