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quakerdan, 2015 m. rugpjūtis 16 d.

Žinutės: 152

Kalba: English

mbalicki (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 00:02:38

robbkvasnak:I have a strong impression that mbalicki, not being a native speaker of English, is not aware of the meaning of what orthohawk wrote.
Please watch it.

I stand that there is no excuse of sharing private messages in public. That's the privacy of correspondence and, no matter what is your opinion about my knowledge of English language, I imagine no reason on internet forum to break it.

Also, I have no reason to believe one person's statement about what was or was not written in a private message, especially since the person claimed to be the author is not present here to defend himself.

Tempodivalse (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 00:36:35

erinja:He probably doesn't know enough personal information about you to come up with an appropriate slur. It's ok. I am sure he would not have neglected to slur you if only he knew which one to use.
Thanks, that's very reassuring. ridulo.gif Oddly enough though, I can't think of a term that he could have used which could have possibly caused me to feel upset. (I guess once you've been an Internet mod/chanop for as long as I have, nothing fazes you anymore.)

mbalicki:I stand that there is no excuse of sharing private messages in public. That's the privacy of correspondence and, no matter what is your opinion about my knowledge of English language, I imagine no reason on internet forum to break it.
I view privacy of personal messages as a privilege, not a right. It hardly seems appropriate to use the private messaging feature as a way of secretly insulting people.

erinja (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 02:10:36

I can't say I'm especially upset. Shocked at the casual comfort with antisemitism, though. If I were black would he have called me an n-word just as casually? I've encountered a bit more overt hostility in some other countries, but you go around thinking that most Americans are not too antisemitic and then something comes out of the blue. Last time it happened it was also someone from the Midwest. Not sure if that means anything.

rikforto (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 02:26:52

erinja:Last time it happened it was also someone from the Midwest. Not sure if that means anything.
I grew up in Indiana and there is a lot of casual anti-semitism here. The use of "Jew" as verb to mean cheated and just not understanding Judaism. Worse, there are proportionally more people comfortable with some of the uglier forms of anti-semitism. Most people around will do right if they think things through, but not near enough.

Tempodivalse (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 02:44:01

It's a mixed bag ... I guess people are less restrained on the Internet and feel comfortable saying things they probably wouldn't in real life.

Many Americans, sadly, are still not too enlightened - just look at the number of people supporting blatantly racist and/or sexist political candidates today.

When that's the level of political/intellectual discourse, it's no surprise that antisemitism is also allowed to fester.

Polaris (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 04:01:13

In the first place, Mbalicki, there is NOTHING wrong with discussing the contents of a private message. That's no different that discussing what somebody wrote you in a note or told you on the telephone. If somebody sends me a private message, I'll do whatever I want with it---republish it on a forum, put in the newspaper, broadcast it on the news...whatever. You don't get to call somebody a filthy, derogatory name and then expect respect for your "privacy". Perhaps this is simply a cultural difference, but you're more offended that somebody told others what he said than you are that he said it in the first place. That's amazing, and unfortunately, it says a lot about you.

As far as Orthohawk goes, I think we are dealing with somebody who is not emotionally stable or who is not mentally well. I'm not saying that to blast him, but let's look objectively: the quirky things he chooses to make a big issue out of; his inability to get along with people; this vulgar private message Erin has shared; the odd way he gets offended and lashes out over patently insignificant things, then getting all worked up at "the way he was treated" and stomping off in a huff (all over some petty Internet posts); his inability to rationally and unemotionally discuss an issue and just say what he thinks--and let others say what they think (without offensive); and now the latest, apparently coming back in under an alter ego and pretending to be a Quaker. It's all so bizarre and immature that it makes you think "something's wrong--this is not normal adult behavior". At the very least, it bespeaks somebody with too much time on his hands and who takes himself WAY too seriously---to a point where it interferes with normal living--and that's sad.

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 07:39:25

I stand that there is no excuse of sharing private messages in public. That's the privacy of correspondence and, no matter what is your opinion about my knowledge of English language, I imagine no reason on internet forum to break it.

Also, I have no reason to believe one person's statement about what was or was not written in a private message, especially since the person claimed to be the author is not present here to defend himself.
There is no privacy on the internet.

Everything is a balance in life but I typically am on the side of transparency. There is no problem with sharing private messages since both of them are strangers. If they were intimate friends then it might be different.

Sharing private messages is comparable to gossiping about people in read life. Sometimes it is warranted, especially when someone needs to be exposed. Other times, gossip is a very bad thing.

Also, about the race issue, I bet that racial supremacists would be more than happy to sleep with someone from the race that they say they hate. Ironic.

erinja (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 12:03:54

Alkanadi:I think "Kike" means Italian. Is it antisemitic?
It means Jewish. There are a couple of anti Italian slurs on a similar level but I'm not going to repeat them here.

Alkanadi (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 14:41:05

Alkanadi:I think "Kike" means Italian. Is it antisemitic?
It means Jewish. There are a couple of anti Italian slurs on a similar level but I'm not going to repeat them here.
I looked it up on Google. You are right. I thought it was for Italians. Interesting.

I have always wanted to check out a Jewish community just out of curiosity.

erinja (Rodyti profilį) 2015 m. rugpjūtis 17 d. 15:15:15

Alkanadi:I have always wanted to check out a Jewish community just out of curiosity.
If you live in a place with a synagogue, you are welcome to visit. Jews do not proselytize but non-Jews are welcome to attend services.

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