

od quakerdan, 16. kolovoza 2015.

Poruke: 152

Jezik: English

quakerdan (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 06:26:27

My name is Daniel Marshall. As can be seen from my profile, I have been speaking Esperanto since the 1970s. I thank God, though, that I've never really been invested in the "movado" aspect of it all, since, based on what I've read in the past few days, I'm probably going to abandoning disgust, I might add.

A couple days ago I received the latest email in my longstanding correspondance with my "keypal" Douglas Mosier, He was known as Orthohawk here on Lernu. His email had a file attached containing screen captures of many of his posts on the forums here and quite a number of the responses that they garnered. After I read it, I was never more glad to have refrained from joining in on the "movado" aspects of Esperanto, if Douglas' treatment at the hands of so-called samideanoj is any indication of the state of the modern movement. I was horrified at the abuse heaped upon him all because of how he chooses to practice his religion. I am appalled that a group of Esperantists acts this way and even more appalled that anyone whose own religious group has been a victim of persecution in the past should then turn around and persecute others on the basis of religion. Not to mention the fact that not bearing false witness is one of the Big Ten. And from an administrator no less....and sadly, I see that now the same thing is happening on Facebook.

I have read the thread "do you use 'ci'?". I have also read every single negative post that people have made in response to Douglas' use of "thee" and "ci" since his adoption of Plain Speech. (What, did anyone think he wasn't going to learn from the case of Leporinjo and not take the time to screen capture every nasty post before an administrator got a chance to delete the entire thread?) Nothing in his posts that garnered those mean spirited first repsonses was offensive in the least. The claim of offense was nothing more than an excuse to be rude and to try to shut him up. The "thee vs. you" question has not been an issue in English for well over 400 years, so I have trouble understanding how one can be offended by being called "thee" in English. I believe it to either be disingenuousness or else a sign of some mental disorder. I will leave it up to any of you who make such ridiculous claims to decide which, and act accordingly.

As for Douglas' choice to adopt Plain Speech, the accusations, (FALSE accusations I might add), made against him for this adoption are disgraceful. My Monthly Meeting (congregation) is in no way offended by his decision; in fact we are flattered. I dare say any Quaker would say the same. After all, as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

At any rate, I believe you all owe Douglas an apology, but, in light of your behavior thus far, I'm not going to hold my breath.

Alkanadi (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 07:58:21

quakerdan:I believe you all owe Douglas an apology, but, in light of your behavior thus far, I'm not going to hold my breath.
I don't owe anyone anything.

The internet is full of hatred because people can hide behind a keyboard. Also, any ideology will be full of idealistic people. Idealistic people get angry when someone disagrees with them. The solution is to leave them alone. If they start insulting you then just don't waste your time with them. Life is short. Time goes forward, not backwards. Don't waste it.

PS. Welcome to the movement brother.

nornen (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 08:28:31

quakerdan:At any rate, I believe you all owe Douglas an apology, but, in light of your behavior thus far, I'm not going to hold my breath.
Hello orthohawk, nice to see that you are back.

mbalicki (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 08:43:04

quakerdan:At any rate, I believe you all owe Douglas an apology, but, in light of your behavior thus far, I'm not going to hold my breath.
Hello orthohawk, nice to see that you are back.
Hello, orthohawk! I'm sad to hear thou has been forced to use this forum incognito. :/

Matthieu (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 08:58:39

A couple of people on a forum = the entire Esperanto "movement". Okay.

I read the mentioned thread and I don't even understand the debate about a non-issue was so heated, nor what it has to do with religion.

quakerdan (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 09:51:42

quakerdan:At any rate, I believe you all owe Douglas an apology, but, in light of your behavior thus far, I'm not going to hold my breath.
Hello orthohawk, nice to see that you are back.
Hello, orthohawk! I'm sad to hear thou has been forced to use this forum incognito. :/
Perhaps thee has misread my post. My name is Daniel Marshall.

quakerdan (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 09:53:17

quakerdan:I believe you all owe Douglas an apology, but, in light of your behavior thus far, I'm not going to hold my breath.
I don't owe anyone anything.

The internet is full of hatred because people can hide behind a keyboard. Also, any ideology will be full of idealistic people. Idealistic people get angry when someone disagrees with them. The solution is to leave them alone. If they start insulting you then just don't waste your time with them. Life is short. Time goes forward, not backwards. Don't waste it.

PS. Welcome to the movement brother.
Not to fear, friend Alkanadi. Douglas has told me that thee was one of the few who gave him no grief over this issue. I thank thee on his behalf.

quakerdan (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 09:54:20

quakerdan:At any rate, I believe you all owe Douglas an apology, but, in light of your behavior thus far, I'm not going to hold my breath.
Hello orthohawk, nice to see that you are back.
As I told he poster Mbalicki, perhaps thee has misread my post. My name is Daniel Marshall. But then from what Douglas has told me, I fear that more bullying rather than misreading is involved here. I will act on the stop I feel concerning more interaction with thee.

quakerdan (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 09:56:16

Mutusen:A couple of people on a forum = the entire Esperanto "movement". Okay.

I read the mentioned thread and I don't even understand the debate about a non-issue was so heated, nor what it has to do with religion.
There were many more threads involved, Friend. I'm sorry if that was not clear. Perhaps thee should keep clear of a situation thee knows little about?

quakerdan (Prikaz profila) 16. kolovoza 2015. 10:02:33

Roch:You might like to edit your post to take the real names away? Otherwise the admin(s) should do it.
If thee is referring to Douglas' name, rest assured, he has little care in this matter. I would have thee message him to ease thy mind on this; however, since he was driven out, well, that is not possible.

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