
What is your opinion about street drugs?

de Alkanadi, 18 de agosto de 2015

Aportes: 40

Idioma: English

Vestitor (Mostrar perfil) 19 de agosto de 2015 17:11:28

Vestitor:A lot of people between 13-25 wasting their lives away because weed makes you lethargic, too relaxed and thus kills motivation.
That is why it kills crime. That is the real way to fight crime.

But, I would hate to see people wasting their lives. Oh well, it is better than drinking alcohol.
It doesn't kill crime, it just changes the nature of it. If the number of numpties 'campaigning' for legalisation of weed would put quite as much effort into something like campaigning for anti-poverty policy, they'd find that weed consumption would fall among many groups.

Tempodivalse (Mostrar perfil) 19 de agosto de 2015 17:41:16

The more major problem among youth, I'd say, is alcohol - the amount consumed on college campuses is astounding. Yet politicians and administrators are reluctant to tackle the problem head-on (instead restricting themselves to talk and some rather ridiculous rearranging of deckchairs, like forcing all incoming college students to watch an online infomercial on 'responsible alcohol consumption' ).

If legality of intoxicants or drugs were based on actual harm caused, alcohol would likely be illegal (and tobacco). I've never heard of someone dying from a marijuana overdose - though it's probably pretty damaging long-term.

erinja (Mostrar perfil) 19 de agosto de 2015 17:45:25

Tempodivalse:The more major problem among youth, I'd say, is alcohol - the amount consumed on college campuses is astounding.
Think so? My crowd did not drink that much in college. I heard that university alcohol consumption is less than we think it is, and that it actually reduces drinking to post signage around saying that most students don't get drunk all the time. Because when you post stuff saying how students drink a lot and they should stop, it actually make students think that everyone else is drinking a ton, so they also need to do this! I really knew very few people in school who drank what seemed to me to be an unreasonable amount.

Tempodivalse (Mostrar perfil) 19 de agosto de 2015 17:55:05

I really knew very few people in school who drank what seemed to me to be an unreasonable amount.
It may be a matter of personal experience - some campuses are more known for a party environment than others. (Mine, incidentally, mostly isn't considered a party school.) I've heard that the average consumption of alcohol among youth has gradually decreased over the decades.

Still, the NIH's statistics indicate a continuing problem - 1800+ alcohol-related deaths yearly among the 18-24 demographic, to say nothing of rapes and assaults, and long-term academic/psychological problems.

I'm not aware of similar statistics about the harm caused by marijuana, but I would guess it's not as severe, at least in the short- to mid-term.

Vestitor (Mostrar perfil) 19 de agosto de 2015 18:24:12

I'm not aware of similar statistics about the harm caused by marijuana, but I would guess it's not as severe, at least in the short- to mid-term.
That's probably because in a lot of countries you need to 'know someone' to buy it. Alcohol is far easier to obtain. Those quacking about legalisation forget this. For alcohol it's probably just as well because illegal alcohol is often murderous stuff.

Alcohol is very intertwined into the culture now, that pandora's box is open. So what makes people think that opening more of them is a great idea? Stick it in a shop window with some marketing campaign behind it and people will go in and buy it.

In Western Europe the statistics for youth drinking have been falling year on year. I don't know the reasons for this.

Tempodivalse (Mostrar perfil) 19 de agosto de 2015 18:36:10

Good point about the Pandora's box - though I would argue there is a difference between legalisation and just decriminalisation. The latter would result in a de-escalation of the "drug war" that incarcerates millions of non-violent and quite harmless offenders, which for me is the chief problem with the current setup (not because I think marijuana is some great thing).

The government could probably do a lot more to reduce alcohol abuse (especially among youth) - such as prohibiting alcohol-related advertising, which is already done in the case of tobacco. Just because that Pandora's box is open dosn't mean it can't be contained.

Leke (Mostrar perfil) 19 de agosto de 2015 19:12:59

I agree. But, I have some doubts about psychedelics. There was a girl who was doing Ecstacy in our highschool and her hair started falling out. What else is she damaging?
My wife's hair started falling out when she was 19, and she's never taken any drugs in her life.
Street Ecstasy can have crap in there which has nothing to do with MDMA, which is why I would never take it. It's also interesting how the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has just approved the first clinical trial using MDMA to treat anxiety:

Leke (Mostrar perfil) 19 de agosto de 2015 19:29:36

In Western Europe the statistics for youth drinking have been falling year on year. I don't know the reasons for this.
In Finland we found it to be because of cannabis and energy drinks.

orthohawk1 (Mostrar perfil) 22 de agosto de 2015 16:01:09

Alkanadi:What is your opinion about street drugs?
As long as one is not trying to force others to use them and is of legal age, I say, let 'em. If they're stupid enough to take chances with these substances, well, the gene pool will be stronger in the end.

RiotNrrd (Mostrar perfil) 22 de agosto de 2015 18:22:21

Here in Oregon, of course, weed is now legal and will be sold to the public in stores as early as this October. Medical marijuana has been available for some time already, of course.

The government is rubbing their hands with glee in anticipation of the high tax revenues. Which I bet will be pretty good at first.

However, although there are restrictions (cannot be seen from a public street, etc.), the amounts people are legally allowed to grow themselves of a substance which grows literally like a weed are enormous. I believe each household can have up to four adult plants, and quite a few more immature plants, and can possess (I believe) up to eight ounces (i.e., half a pound, although I might be wrong and it's only four ounces; I don't remember the details) of dried material at any given time.

The thing is, adult marijuana plants can easily provide half a pound *each*, and up to two pounds each if you know what you're doing.

The math works out such that I predict marijuana in Oregon is going to become something akin to smokable zucchini at some point. If we aren't growing it ourselves, we probably will know someone who is. Individuals aren't allowed to sell it, but they *are* allowed to give it away, and it sounds to me like there's going to potentially be a lot of excess material that people are going to want to get rid of to stay under the legal limits for possession, but not waste (if you know what I mean; simply burning or composting it would be seen amongst these types of growers as wasting it).

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