Mesaĝoj: 11
Lingvo: English
Alkanadi (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-07 07:53:50
Only a small percentage of foreign-language students attain fluency in the target language. In Esperanto, fluency is attainable even through home study. Various studies have shown that Esperanto is useful as a preparation for learning other languages. It has also been recommended as a core element in courses in language awareness.1- Nur malgranda procento de fremdlingvaj studentoj atingas fluecon en la cellingvo.
2- Esperanta flueco estas atingebla eĉ kun hejma studo.
3- Diversaj studoj montris, ke Esperanto estas utila kiel preparado por lerni aliajn lingvojn.
4- Oni ankaŭ rekomendas Esperanton kiel kernan eron en kursoj de la lingva konsciigo de lernantoj.
NOTE: I think Esperanto helps people with other language studies because learning a second language makes your brain grow. Esperanto is an easy started to get the brain working in a new way.
How is my translation?
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-07 10:55:30
1. cel-lingvo or cela lingvo
2. per hejma studado
Fenris_kcf (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-07 11:19:48
Miland:4. kerna eroNo, it must be accusative, since it refers to the Object "Esperanton", not to te subject "oni".
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-07 12:10:22
Fenris_kcf:Dankon, corrected.Miland:4. kerna eroNo, it must be accusative, since it refers to the Object "Esperanton", not to te subject "oni".
Alkanadi (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-07 13:32:49
Miland:Suggested correctionsThanks for the tips. Is a hyphen always used when combining words? I don't understand how word construction occurs in Esperanto.
1. cel-lingvo or cela lingvo
If cellingvo isn't correct then why is poŝlampo or mortanĝelo okay?
pobotay (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-07 15:01:52
Some questions:
1) Is esploro or studo a better word to use for scientific study?
2) For sentence 3, is it also ok to say: " Esperanto estas utila kiel preparado por lernado de aliaj lingvoj."?
3) And for sentence 4, is this also ok: "Ĝi ankaŭ estis rekomendita kiel kerna ero en lingvo-konsciigaj kursoj."?
Miland (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-07 15:37:51
Alkanadi:If cellingvo isn't correct then why is poŝlampo or mortanĝelo okay?Theoretically I don't object, but a hyphen makes the separation of the roots clearer.
vikungen (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-07 15:42:30
pobotay:I like these threads because it's a good opportunity to try translating by myself, then compare to what others have posted (which invariably is more accurate than my attempts).1) Both works.
Some questions:
1) Is esploro or studo a better word to use for scientific study?
2) For sentence 3, is it also ok to say: " Esperanto estas utila kiel preparado por lernado de aliaj lingvoj."?
3) And for sentence 4, is this also ok: "Ĝi ankaŭ estis rekomendita kiel kerna ero en lingvo-konsciigaj kursoj."?
2) Yes.
3) Yes.
pobotay (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-07 19:59:08
Alkanadi:I don't know what is actually correct, but I tend to use a hyphen for uncommon words or words where there could be confusion. And as a beginner I prefer to err on the side of adding one to improve my chances of being understood clearly, even if it makes the sentence look a bit uglier.Miland:Suggested correctionsThanks for the tips. Is a hyphen always used when combining words? I don't understand how word construction occurs in Esperanto.
1. cel-lingvo or cela lingvo
If cellingvo isn't correct then why is poŝlampo or mortanĝelo okay?
But I wouldn't hyphenate poŝlampo or mortanĝelo as the former is a common word and the latter seems straight-forward to work out.
Funnily enough I just came across this problem in a Chinese news broadcast from last week, it took me a while to realise that "...ĵetis petardojn, ŝtonojn kaj fumobusojn" did not mean the protestors were throwing smoking buses, Hulk-style

P.S Dankon vikungen for your response.
Alkanadi (Montri la profilon) 2015-septembro-08 08:05:31 took me a while to realise that "...ĵetis petardojn, ŝtonojn kaj fumobusojn" did not mean the protestors were throwing smoking buses, Hulk-styleFumobusoj seems like smoking buses. What does it mean?