
My name is Deutchland

貼文者: FoxtrotUniform, 2016年4月18日

訊息: 9

語言: English

FoxtrotUniform (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月18日上午1:45:15

I know this is slightly off topic. But I think it strikes at the heart about the ideal of Esperanto. I saw this today on facebook:
Germany: Hello guys, I'm new here. I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Deutchland

France: Mais oui, mon ami! You have such a lovely name. Allemange, it just rolls off the tongue.

Germany: No, that doesn't even sound like it.

England: Of course not, France. He very clearly said his name is Germany.

Italy: Close England, it's Germania, There's an A at the end.

Germany: No, there's no A at the end....Okay let me start over, I'll say it again slowly.....

Finland: What's up with Saka?

Germany: My name is not Saka!!!

Poland: Of course not. Your name is is Niemcy, right?

Germany: How are you all getting it wrong in completely different ways?

Denmark: What's bugging Tyskland?

Lithuania: Who's Tskland? You talking about the new guy? I'm pretty sure his name is Vokietija.

Germany: No, no.... listen one more time... It's DETCHLAND. DEUTCH....LAND

Zamnbia: OK I got it now. Ujerumani.

Germany: Yeah, sure, Fine. Whatever. I don't care anymore.

Japan: Doitsu?

Germany: Well at least YOU tried.

altindiefanboy (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月18日上午2:37:56

I'm wondering if this is from the manga "Hetalia". The international nature of it would make it a really good material to translate into Esperanto...

nornen (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月18日上午2:39:50


At least the Japanese with doits and the Italian with tedeschi (the people, not the country) are making an effort.

Kristal (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月18日上午4:10:07

Deutchland, funny name, sort of reminds me of the country named Deutschland.

Vestitor (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月18日下午12:49:15

Kristal:Deutchland, funny name, sort of reminds me of the country named Deutschland.
Snicker. okulumo.gif

robbkvasnak (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月18日下午4:32:27

Mein Name ist Hase - ich weiß von nichts!

NJ Esperantist (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月19日上午1:08:25

robbkvasnak:Mein Name ist Hase - ich weiß von nichts!
Hmm. Google translate is not my friend. I got:

'Bugs Bunny - I know nothing!'

nornen (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月19日上午3:53:24

NJ Esperantist:
robbkvasnak:Mein Name ist Hase - ich weiß von nichts!
Hmm. Google translate is not my friend. I got:

'Bugs Bunny - I know nothing!'
That' funny because Bugs Bunny says in German actually: Mein Name ist Hase, ich weiß bescheid.

Fenris_kcf (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月19日下午7:24:06

... for the protocol: Here's a complete list of the correct names
