
Some Beginner Question

貼文者: Kljunar, 2016年4月28日

訊息: 24

語言: English

Kljunar (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月28日下午4:00:19

Hello! I'm fairly new to this language (just about a month in) and very very new to this website. So sorry if I put this in the incorrect place.

I'm 14 and attempting to learn this language, so give me a bit of leeway when it comes to grammar.

Back to the questions, I've got a few. I've recently began the duolingo lessons on Esperanto. I am aware that there is other things you have to do to learn a language, my father knows German and was looking through Duolingo, there's lots wrong.

In duolingo I've seen adjectives with an -as ending (belas, for example) and they are used without the verb esti I've looked around and found nothing on the subject. Does anyone know anything about it?

My next question has to do with the Esperanto word for "sorry". I've seen so many of them (pardonpetas, bedaŭri, etc.) and I have yet to m la of these are situational, or simply just multiple words for the same thing. Any help would be appreciated!

Again, I'm only 14 so give me some slack, I'm trying!

Edit: I just realized how often I used to word 'so.' Ah I'm such a teenager aren't I?

Edit 2: many grammar errors in this post, my fault. I had a concert and I haven't slept in a while.

nornen (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月28日下午4:30:56

Kljunar:In duolingo I've seen adjectives with an -as ending (belas, for example) and they are used without the verb esti I've looked around and found nothing on the subject. Does anyone know anything about it?
Grammatically both "La suno estas bela." and "La suno belas." are 100% correct. The difference in meaning between both expression is minimal. The first expression is the "standard" way.

Esperanto has many expressions for saying "sorry", because in English the word "sorry" covers many distinct meanings and situations.

Pardonpeti: Literally means "beg someone's pardon, ask for someone's forgiveness". You use this for apologizing for something you have done. Mi pardonpetas, ke mi rompis vian tason.

Bedaŭri: Means "regret". Mi bedaŭras, ke mi rompis vian tason. You can regret something without actually apologizing for having done it.

Mi bedaŭras, ke mi atendigis vin. = I regret that I have kept you waiting.
Mi pardonpetas, ke mi atendigis vin. = I apologize for having kept you waiting.

Kljunar (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月28日下午5:10:26

That clears it up greatly, thank you very much.

One quick question, can the -as ending be used with any adjective in every situation?

nornen (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月28日下午5:20:18

Kljunar:That clears it up greatly, thank you very much.

One quick question, can the -as ending be used with any adjective in every situation?
This question is a bit misleading. Basically any root can be transformed into any part of speech. And yes, you can add a verbal ending (-as, -os, -us, -u, etc) to basically any root, as long as the result makes any sense. Just don't overdo it, because it will sound odd.

"La tago helas" is perfectly fine. "Tio gravas", "tio certas" , etc are quite common.

erinja (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月28日下午7:36:52

The "sorry" thing comes into sharp focus when you are saying sorry for something bad that happened to someone.

If someone says "My grandma died last week", you shouldn't say "Mi pardonpetas", since it implies you had something to do with what happened to grandma! You'd say "Mi bedauxras", which means just that you regret to hear this sad information.

eshapard (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月29日上午3:23:12

I don't think anyone really spelled this out for you yet.

Belas is a verb; not an adjective.

It comes from beli (to be beautiful). The root is bel. Adding an adjective ending makes it an adjective (bela, beautiful), and adding a noun ending such as -eco makes it a noun (beleco, beauty). Adding an adverb ending would make it an adverb (bele, beautifully).
  • bel-a = beautiful (adjective)
  • bel-e = beautifully (adverb)
  • bel-eco = beauty (noun)
  • bel-i = to be beautiful (verb)
  • bel-as = is beautiful (verb)
  • bel-is = was beautiful (verb)
  • bel-os = will be beautiful (verb)
  • bel-u = be beautiful! (verb)
  • bel-us = could/would be beautiful (verb)
  • bel-iĝi = to become beautiful (verb)
  • bel-igi = ta make beautiful, beautify (verb)
  • etc.
Turning a root usually used for an adjective (such as bel-) into a verb (beli) isn't something you can usually do in English, but it's part of Esperanto.

Being able to turn any root into several different parts of speech gives Esperanto a lot of flexibility. One nice thing about it is that once you have the different suffixes and prefixes down, learning one root means you've learned many words.

eshapard (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月29日上午3:38:14

nornen: Basically any root can be transformed into any part of speech.

"La tago helas" is perfectly fine. "Tio gravas", "tio certas" , etc are quite common.
Translation: The day is bright; That is grave (important), That is certain

You can't turn any root into any part of speech in Esperanto. You can't make new prepositions, pronouns, articles, or conjunctions. And I don't think you can really make an interjection, but I guess any word can be an interjection if you say it loudly or write it with an exclamation mark.

But nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are are possible with most roots.

mkj1887 (顯示個人資料) 2016年4月29日下午2:28:53

In duolingo I've seen adjectives with an -as ending (belas, for example) and they are used without the verb esti I've looked around and found nothing on the subject. Does anyone know anything about it?

See p.37 of Edmund Privat’s book “Esprimoj de sentoj en Esperanto”, for example, here.

Alkanadi (顯示個人資料) 2016年5月1日上午8:16:05

Kljunar:I'm 14 and attempting to learn this language...
Cool. Feel free to post your questions in this forum. We will be happy to answer them.
In duolingo I've seen adjectives with an -as ending (belas, for example) and they are used without the verb esti...
I have gone through Duolingo several times and I have only noticed a couple mistakes in the Beta version. It seems like everything is correct now.

Mi kuras = I am in a state of running.
Mi belas = I am in a state of being beautiful.
Mi estas bela = I am beautiful.

Mi belas is the same as Mi estas bela.
My next question has to do with the Esperanto word for "sorry". I've seen so many of them (pardonpetas, bedaŭri, etc.)
Pardono = Forgiveness.
Peti = To Request.
Pardonpetas = I request your forgiveness.

Bedaŭri = To be sorry / To regret.

Just like in English, there are different ways of saying things.

Alkanadi (顯示個人資料) 2016年5月1日上午8:32:55

Kljunar:One quick question, can the -as ending be used with any adjective in every situation?
The -as ending makes the word a verb. I think it can be used in every situation, even for colors.

The sky is blue.
La ĉielo bluas.
